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The default template for Blogspot blogs displays a blog's description on each page. This gives you an opportunity to increase the density of your blog's primary keywords and keyword phrases. If you write a keyword-rich blog description, however, you may prefer for your readers not to see it while still making it available for search engines to scan. Modify your blog's template to hide the description of your blog while keeping it in the source code.

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Showing posts with label Vision Business. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vision Business. Show all posts

Saturday, June 7, 2014

A Road Map Of Success Your Business Plan Mission and Vision

Everyone who runs an existing business or is in the process of starting up understands a sound business plan is the initial step for success. It will give a precise description of what the business will achieve, how it will be achieved, why and by whom.

Writing a business plan will help the entrepreneur organize his expectations for the business and develop a framework that will guide him in running the business.

Moreover, the business plan will become a relevant tool in making future decisions, especially those that will impact the business over the long period.

A business plan has several sections, however, when crafting your business plan, take time to define your mission and vision as well as your goals and objectives. These sections will clearly state the core of your existence and define what you want to accomplish and what your business actually stood for.

Before you can actually develop these sections, you need to identify your core values. Consider the stakeholders that your company is accountable.

The stakeholders may include the owner, employees, customers, suppliers, and investors. Your core values will be the foundation of your mission and vision as well as your goals and objectives.

Mission Statement

A mission is defined as an important purpose, accompanied by a strong conviction. Therefore, your mission statement must clearly state the purpose of your existence.

It must be about you and should create a connection with both the customers and the employees. Mention a specific goal that is tangible and should boost the value proposition of your business.

Often, generic, extremely long mission statements are confusing and may become useless. Brief and concise, single sentence mission statements are more preferred.

Vision Statement

Vision is defined as the anticipation for that which will come to be. Your vision statement must clearly impact how you envision your business.

It asserts your expectations; therefore, it should be an awesome, inspiring and hopeful statement of your commitment and dedication.

Make your vision statement detailed and compelling. It should point out why your company exists. It must also paint a clear picture of your intended outcome.

Vision statements that are generic or utterly unreasonable can become uninspiring and totally bland.

 Business Goals and Objectives

Simply put, your goals and objectives will help you figure out where you're going and help in executing or setting your vision and mission for your business.

Your business plan must clearly lay out, both your long-term and short-term goals. When setting your business goals and objective, it is important to make them SMART and logical.

This means that you need to make your goals Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic and with a Time Frame.

Goals are generally qualitative and tend to focus on achieving the general picture of the business intentions. Primarily, goals are centered on customer service, market positioning and business growth.

Objectives, on the other hand, are centered on the practical daily operations anchored in the quantitative measure of business figures such as the number of customers, costs, revenue and other product-related metrics.


Having a sound business plan is like having a road map when embarking on a road trip. A road map will guide the traveler in making decisions how to reach his destination and to make his travel itinerary.

In a similar fashion, a business plan encapsulates the very core of your company's existence, and will help you plan out and decide as you navigate your business and success.

Monday, February 3, 2014

Importance Of Having Vision And Mission In Your Business Goals

You have growth in some new task you have recently taken on, it is important to have a vision of not only what the outcome will look like, but also the methods and means you are going to employ to get there.

It might not be good enough to just say you have a vision of having a house that is paid off. Instead you need to be specific to mention exactly what that house is going to look like.

Does if have a wooden door, or a prefabricated plastic one?

Do the windows have internal blinds, or are you going to have them totally clear.

The more specific you can be in your vision, the clearer your path will be in order to achieve it.

If you are looking to build a business that remains your own compared to having multiple employees, or virtual ones for that matter, you need to be able to manage your time in addition the expenses required to do this.
Items that should be considered to get you on the right path to your ideal business might include you coming up with an overview of what your ideal day might look like.

If you can visualize what you would be doing from the time you get up until the time you went to bed again, you are going to become more focused on having that daily experience happen in reality.

Now keep in mind even in the ideal situation there will always be bumps in the road so the more flexible you are and willing to get back up with failure, the more likely you are to reach that vision of the successful life you want to lead.

People and businesses who lack a vision may continue to make sales and seem successful, though they might not ever grow beyond the scope of what is a possibility. Instead of being a million dollar a month company, perhaps they only are making 50 thousand dollars.
I know many people would love to make 50 grand a month, though with the proper vision and taking action, or implementing specific tasks, this can be scaled over time.

Everyone has a different vision and if you are working with a team, it is important to come up with a vision that best suites the needs and desires of all parties involved.

Be confident in what you want and visualize yourself while keeping an abundance mindset. You can always revise as you act and new challenges come your way, though the more you focus on what you had planned from the beginning, the more likely you are to achieve it.