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Friday, April 22, 2011

The Newspapers Quickly Generate Publicity

Many business owners believe they need a major announcement or big event to secure some media coverage.
Not so.

In many cases your local daily or weekly newspaper or business journal has space to run your item provided it is "newsworthy"

Often a number of small announcements work just as well as one bing sotry to build the company brand and add credibility.

Here are 10 ways to get into the newspapers quickly and generate publicity for your business:

Announce a new hire.  Many local papers and business journals provide ample space for this. In addition to highlighting a new staff member it demonstrates that your company is growing and moving forward

Host a special event or seminar Many papers have calendar sections specifically for this purpose.

Announce a company award  New papers will print your industry or "best of" recognition.
Announce a new contract or new deals with a group of customers Editors are most interested in learning about a successful local company. If it peaks their interest it could even turn into a full-blown feature article.

Publicize staff appointments to charity boards and non-profit organization The not only builds your brand but also demonstrates corporate good will by giving back to the community.

Document and photograph any donations to charity for publicity purposes When your firm donates a sizeable amount of funds to a non-profit it has news value both for your customers and internally for staff. In many cases your can create a large poster check and generate a check presentation photo opportunity whit the charity executives. The photo and a write- up can be sent to local newspapers and should be printed in your company newsletter and blog.The charity may even wish to print the photo in their own newsletter giving the event additional value and brand awareness.

Announce and expansion to a new location or enlargement of your current offices. The local press is again interested in writing about growing local companies. The business journals are also very attuned to items involving real estate news. Should your company move into new offices or make a significant enlargement to a current space it has news value.

Publicize any Green initiatives your firm may be undertaking  Newspapers and even TV stations are very interested in Green related stories, as long as they are legitimate undertakings to help the environment. Many organizations now even recognize local business with Green Awards.

Write a letter to the editor or a complete commentary  Publications have space for this, just make sure to keep it professional. You can discuss how an issue will impact the business community and other similar topics.

Highlight an employee that does something out of the ordinary. In many markets you can generate coverage for a staff person who completes a marathon or provides unique services to the community as a volunteer.

David D. Burner is principal with Colomon/Burner, a St. Louis Public Relations and Marketing firm, Mr.Burner has over 20 years of public relation experience. He has worked with PR clients on a national, regional and local basis. David helps large, mid-size and small business create a branding and public relations strategy, ascertain targeted markets and audiences, and then develops a communications plan to reach the appropriate audience. The firm works with companies on both social media and traditional media platforms. Colomon/Turner utilize a variety of marketing to include awareness building, branding, database creation and management, blogging and a variety of social media tools.