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The default template for Blogspot blogs displays a blog's description on each page. This gives you an opportunity to increase the density of your blog's primary keywords and keyword phrases. If you write a keyword-rich blog description, however, you may prefer for your readers not to see it while still making it available for search engines to scan. Modify your blog's template to hide the description of your blog while keeping it in the source code.

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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Best Presentation Myth

Are you coach , or consultant, one of the fastest ways to grow your business and jump start  your results is to get the right message in front of the right people!

There are a few simple strategies that can help you leverage the power of speaking to groups, selling one-on-one in a sales presentation or in your online marketing videos.

Let's face it, a presentation gone wrong is a waste of your time, and energy, And it erodes your expert status. So we want to e sure we arm you with the right tips, tricks, and strategies to maximize every business-building opportunity!

You just need to invest a little time and energy honing the skill!

Presentation Myth #2: Your presentation is about you I know you've likely heard this before, but everyone is still doing it! You stand up. introduce yourself, and launch into a long presentation about you, your company,  your products and services and quickly put everyone to sleep.

Step 1: Believe with total conviction that your presentation is about your Audience (of one or many), because it is!

And you'll find that you'll sell a whole lots more when your truly understand this.

Think back to the last time you were in front the television.
Imagine a Cola commercial. Its not about the thing in the can and how they make it , and what goes into it, and how do they get that soda i n the can? I don't know, I don't care, and neither do you!

Step 2: Your presentation should shine a light on the problem you solve. 

You've probably heard this before, so I am going to encourage you to review your presentation and ask yourself if you're really doing it. Are you making it safe for people to say, "you know I do have that problem!"? if not, you'll find your sales will suffer. So you nee to be creative and sensitive to how present the problems your clients are suffering with at the moment, because its likely a sensitive subject.

Make sure you let your audience know that having these problems is common, its the normal journey, and it's  one they don't need you suffer anymore  because....

Step 3: Offer the Dream or Solution.   

Don't sell your product or survive, sell people on having the dream or the transformation you offer. Focus on what your product Does for your clients (the benefits) or How your services help companies just like theirs! Its a small shift that makes all the difference.