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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Easily Set up a Multi-Layer Coaching Practice

Coaching in because time is limited offering one-on-one coaching alone will not generate much of an income. When it comes to the resources at your disposal time is your most limited one and because of that it is actually very valuable. This is why you should charge a high rate for one-on-one coaching. But if you want to make a coaching programme work then you are advised to have multiple points of entry into your programs. Some people cannot afford one-on-one coaching while others neither need or want it. The fact that time is limited is actually good news for you because you can generate more income by offering more.   
1.   Level One:   Free or low Cost Email using an auto-responder like Weber is very useful. It is very simple to set up and you can even have your virtual assistant do it for you. Make sure it is done in such a way so that it will send specific emails in a specified order each time you have a new sigh up. Within each of the emails that you send include a promotion for the next level in the coaching course you are providing.
2.  Level Two Make cost effective group webinars available only to your level one members. Because a number of people are going to show up you should offer these at a very reduced price. Because time is of essence you need to make sure that your presentation is up to speed, informative and useful for the participants because there will not be much time available for Q & A. Us the webinr to promote your level three offering.

3.  Level Three: This is the membership site. It is a great way to offer a mid-priced coaching program that is able to automatically serve a number of people. Thanks to 'drip' technology you will be able to provide different levels of information to each specific sign up. Base this on when they signed up i order to give the service you provide a personal touch. As with the preceding levels you will obviously promote the next one in this level.

4.  Level Four: The inner circle should be very limited and only offered to a specific number of people so that you are able to deliver personal attention to each. Whether the attention is in the form of allowing full access to your products and service, permitting promotion of your products by them on the proviso that there is referral fee, eBook, eReports, etc. Your clients will be able to use these to benefit their own business. When it comes to the inner circle introduce weekly webinars just for them. And, just as before, market your most exclusive level when you tell them about the level five coaching.

5.  Level Five: Using the telephone or Skype is a great way to offer one-on-one coaching. Formulate a plan and make sure you have a number of packages available  for sale during the coaching such as weekly recorded calls that your clients can listen to repeatedly if necessary. Also offer other items such as printed information, workbooks, lessons and more. How you go about this depends on you entirely. What is vital is that your one-on-one coaching programs need to be valuable and priced appropriately. After all time is your most precious resource and  it is irreplaceable.