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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Manners Importance in Business

Office etiquette should be standard learning before anyone is unleashed on an environment where they will potentially spend up to nine hours a day annoying the bejeezus out of everyone else.

I, therefore, thought I would do the of workers a favor and draw up a list of things every new entrant should know about operating in the work place.
  • Dress the part - Rather be overdressed than unaddressed. Unless you work as a lifeguard, flip-flops are never appropriate business attire and ladies, leave your clubbing gear for the clubs. It is obvious that you are female. There is no need to have your cleavage, legs and/or midriff hanging out for all and sundry to take note of. Business casual might be the dress code, but please do not push the casual part too far.
  • Up your personal hygiene - Modem open-plan offices mean your body odor issues become everybody Else's problem. It is hard to work when there are eye watering smells emanating from a colleague. Please shower regularly and invest in a deodorant. You will be surprised how much more popular you suddenly are. 
  •  Learn how to email properly - Email is not a text message or tweet. You are not limited to a certain amount of characters. Do not use text abbreviations such as 2mrw, ur, c u soon and so no, It come across a juvenile and unprofessional. Also, you have spell check. Please learn how use it. 
  • Practice courtesy - It is amazing how much further honey gets you than vinegar. Social niceties like please, thank you, not interrupting others when they are talking all smooth the way to comfortable communal living.
  • Integrity - It is amazing how much further honey gets you than vinegar. Social like please, thank you, not interrupting others when they are talking all smooth the way to comfortable communal living.
  • Cut it out - The chewing gum that is. Nobody wants to listen to you masticate or pop bubbles all day long It is annoying. Plus, it makes you look like a brainless moron which never a good look for anyone.
  • Be nice to the newbies - Bullying was not nice in school and it is not nice in the workplace. As a recent newbie yourself you should be sympathetic towards other  and go out of way to lend a helping hand.
I think that sums up some of the major gripes in most offices. It is not exhaustive but hopefully will provide some relief for many beleaguered office workers across the globe!