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Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The Boringest Aspect of Running a Business

Weekends used to be a time for relaxing. After  working a full week. Saturdays become the day for the food shop, cleaning the car, going to the football or maybe a concert. Sundays - the day of rest become just that, even for the non-church attendee, the shops were all closed and there were no football matches to attend or watch on the television, so rest it was!

Over time, Sunday has become "just another day" and for the business owner just another day to receive or send out emails and or messages. Our lives have changed and we are now known as the 24/7 generation. Just as we no longer need to plan ahead so as to not run out of essential groceries, we can buy milk and bread at the 24/7 convenience store. So too in our business life we no longer limit working nine to five.

When we hear the bleep from the iPhone or Blackberry, the flashing light beckons us to read the message or email that has arrived and reply straight away. Despite the introduction of laptops and smartphones and all the available applications  that can help to you save time, the average business owner can still put in over 50 hours a week - and more!

It is no surprise then that when it comes to processing the payroll, it's boring it's not a productive task that secures the next piece of  business or closes that vital deal. No matter how many employees you have in the business, they will not work without receiving a wage want to demotivate your staff big time- miss pay-day. Yes, payroll is boring , but it doesn't  have to be.

Whilst payroll can be the single most boring aspect of running a business, it is nevertheless one of, if not the major contributor of financial outgoing your have to deal with. It can be a burden for the small business owner paying staff and keeping out of trouble with the next man.

So with all this technology at our fingertips it is a relief to know that one of the first business application to become automated, payroll is now available 24/7 using cloud technology.

Even better, with the speed of the internet and user-friendly systems processing the payroll can now be fun. If your  employees are all paid a standard monthly wage and there are no changes from the last pay period to record to record, what could better than one-click and the payroll's done.

Now you can spend that valuable time finishing off that quotation for the next big deal, with one-click, the payroll's done and you can now relax in the garden or read the paper in the local coffee shop. The employees will be paid, the tax man is sorted and you can spend time thinking how to be even more successful.

One Click payroll, ditch the drudge! Payroll is one of those essential tasks that looks easy enough, until you start doing it and get involved in PAYE, National Insurance, pensions, sick pay - and a whole host other adjustments, codes and things you need to understand to get it right.