Welcome to My Blog

The default template for Blogspot blogs displays a blog's description on each page. This gives you an opportunity to increase the density of your blog's primary keywords and keyword phrases. If you write a keyword-rich blog description, however, you may prefer for your readers not to see it while still making it available for search engines to scan. Modify your blog's template to hide the description of your blog while keeping it in the source code.

Good Day..

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

3 - Fundamental Electronic Mails Guidelines Valuable

Professional business man start the business with the business environment today, writing electronic mails, report, and online memos play a crucial role in helping you and your company conduct business and achieve target goals. However, writing in this age of technology is still no easy task.

Many professionals lose valuable resources and even prospective clients simply because the are unable to properly manage and efficiently write e-mails. In fact, studies have shown that professionals waste as much as 67% of their time producing a letter or report. These  delayed message are not just an extra cost for the company, but also give stress to writers.

In addition to the time they spent writing online messages, employees today have to especially take note of the nature of business e-mails. According to another study by the American Management Association, 25% of a professional's working day is spent on e-mails and 75% of employees said they lost time due to e-mail system problems.

Knowing the amount of time spent in writing electronic mails and its quick turn-around time that could be beneficial to the productivity of the organization, employees cannot afford to compose poorly written messages. Such hastily written letters can be the cause of miscommunication between fellow employees and potential clients.

If you are looking into staying away from writing scantily e-mails, here are three vital guidelines to follow :

Take care with your choice of works. Even though computers can evaluate a message's readability and warn you about potential grammatical errors, it is still up to the writer to correct these errors and make sure the ideas written are easy to read and understand. Writers have to remember that computes are not able to detect all errors. And although a more conversational tone when writing a business e-mail is encouraged, sarcasm and humor are highly discouraged because they can easily be misinterpreted.

Reply promptly. One of the most beneficial characteristics of e-mail is its quick response time. Gone are the days when people would have to wait for long periods time just to receive message from their acquaintances or prospective clients. However, take note that electronic message does not create drafts on their own and at the same time, they do not send vital information on their own. Writers still have to type down their messages or replies and send them at the appointed or requested time. In addition, writers should take note to only reply to the appropriate party and not to "all recipients."

Keep paragraphs short. Readers have a tendency to skim or speed read messages especially when it is presented on an electronic platform like a computer or an electronic tablet. To avoid misunderstanding with their intended readers, writers should keep their paragraphs short. Re-read and edit messages prior to sending your messages. only include vital information you would like to extend to your readers. Simple messages that are always polite, precise and straightforward are the best type of messages when sent electronically.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Fire are Manifold and Fire Risk

A major concern for all business owners as the possible repercussions to any owner of a fire are manifold. The possible loss of this business and livelihood has to be considered, but any injuries or deaths arising from any incompetence could lead to a loss of his freedom in the from of a prison sentence. Therefore the importance or reducing fire risks and ensuring that a full fire risk assessment is carried out cab not be underestimated.

Once identified, workplace fire risks must be removed or, if  they cannot be removed altogether, reduced as far as reasonably practicable. By evaluating the three elements that need to b in place for a fire to start (fuel, oxygen and a source of ignition) is the first place to look. There are a number of ways in which hazards can be reduced. These include;

1)  Replacing highly flammable materials with less flammable ones.
2)  Replacing stocks of flammable materials, liquids and gases to a minimum.
3)  Storing highly-flammable substances in fire resistant stores or dedicated areas where only appropriate staff can access them.
4)  Separating flammable materials from sources of ignition eg by maintaining clear space between lighting and combustible materials.
5)  Ensuring electrical, mechanical and gas equipment is installed, used, maintained and protected in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
6)  Replacing naked flame and radiant heaters with fixed convector heaters.
7)  Ensuring that when equipment is not is use it is left i a safe condition.
8)  dedicated smoking areas.
9)  Implementing a "hot" work permit system to control fire risk from "hot" work activities such as welding.

Once a business owners has removed or reduced any fire hazards as far as possible. It must be decided what further measures are required to provide a reasonable level of fire safety. This means ensuring that adequate fire precautions are in place to warn people in the event of a fire and allow them to safely escape.

The level of fire protection should be proportionate to the risk posed to people in the building but the objective should always be to reduce the remaining level to as low as is reasonably practicable. As a result fire safety law allows the responsible person to decide which prevention and protection measure, equipment and procedures are most appropriate in light of the risks on site. Business owners should therefore use the results of their fire risk assessment to identify what is appropriate.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

How To Recession Is Affecting The UK Construction Industry

The developed world is aware of the calamitous effect of the credit crunch. The impact was then worsened by one of deepest recessions in recent memory, verging, in the view of many commentators, on a depression. Just when certain economists and politicians in the United Kingdom dared to speak about the "green shoots of growth" we were told that the country was in a state of "double-dip" recession. This was a crushing blow to the people of the nation and the majority of workers, not the least amongst which were those involved in the construction industry. A brief comparison of the state of the building industry, before and after the impact of the world economic crisis, will give some idea of the effect of all of this upon this one particularly vital sector of the economic infrastructure.

In the last quarter of 2009 the building industry in the United Kingdom provided jobs for somewhere in the region of  2,.200,000 workers. There then existed almost 200,000 construction concerns in Great Britain. Of these companies, approximately 75,000 employed one single employee, whilst 62 companies employed more than 1,200. New orders received directly from the private sector were valued at excess of £18 million, whilst orders from the public sector were valued at more £15 million.Although the effects of the credit crunch had already began to bite by then, these figures nevertheless bear a stark and bitter contrast to the most recent statistics on the performance of the industry.

The most recent report from The office of National Statistics, on the performance of the construction industry in the UK shows that :

a)  Compared to the first quarter of  2011, new orders fell by over 16% in the final quarter;
b)  Never since 1980, have orders for new building contracts been so low;
c)  Compared to the equivalent period in 2010, new orders fell by over 23  %;
d)  There was only one single building industry sector  -  the private industrial sector - that experienced growth between the first two quarters of the year.

The implications of these statistics regarding new orders has been immensely detrimental to the construction industry in the UK in general and to workers hose income was reliant on that industry in particular. The tried and tested reality is that construction can provide employment for over two million people in the UK. The tax revenues that can be accumulated from a booming construction sector represent a massive boost to the economy of the country. We should all hope that the government will make it one of their imperatives to take every possible measure to assist in the rejuvenation of the building industry and introduce proactive policies with a view to returning the construction industry to the position of strength that it enjoyed before the onset of the financial crisis.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Construction Leads Are Essential

Construction leads are essential to every business out there operating in the construction industry. Rather if your business services existing homes already built or goes after builders and developers breaking ground on new projects, there are certain strategies that can work to help you find construction leads.

First, you have to determine a budget and how much time you have to invest into finding construction leads. This is essential because if you have a low budget you're probably going to have to invest more time. This of course doesn't mean that if you have a high budget you won't have to invest the time, in just mean to have to figure out your resources available before you begin which in this case is time and money.

Second, after you've established how much you have in the way of resources you have to craft a plan on which tactics you want to use. The most popular tactics you find for most in the construction industry is digital marketing, direct mail and lead services.

Digital marketing encompasses everything from setting up your website, social media accounts, email marketing, etc. The most attractive aspect of most digital marketing is that the cost of these tactics is typically a lot lower relative to traditional methods.

Direct mail can be a great way to go. The USPS offers great services such as Every Door Direct Mail which means for around $.20 a home, you can touch an entire neighborhood. While a lot of folks out there might argue that this is antiquated method of advertising and hard to track, I think just the opposite. If every one's moving to digital marketing and not doing direct mail. won't you stand out?

Construction lead services can be another great alternative. With these types of services you'll typically get targeted construction leads delivered directly to you on a regular basis. The trick with construction lead services is to have a strong plan of action in place the moment a lead comes to you.

Third, after you've selected which tactics you're going to use you have to assign a dollar/time value to each for both initial set up and monthly maintenance. Also set goals on how many leads you want to generate for each or what kind of conversion rates you expect. For instance you may choose to build a website, set up Google places, set up a Facebook page, and sign up for a construction lead service.

Don't be intimated by setting up your marketing items. If you're budget is lower relative to your available time, you would be amazed at how many digital marketing items you can set up and build out over the course of a weekend. After you have your items set up and you're getting leads delivered, set goals on how many leads you want to see and what kind of conversion rate you expect. One big warning here, it's natural if you're not reaching your goals to want to throw in the towel and give up but Don't. Experiment and tweak settings, you'll be amazed what you learn.

Fourth, think long and hard about how you want to convert all the leads you generate. If you're selling gutters the plan may be to call and set a face to face meeting at the consumers home. If you're renting portable toilets maybe the plan should be to ask the builder where his next job is taking  place so you can deliver toilets there. Regardless have a plan in place for when the phone rings or peoples send you en email wanting more information. Never leave it to blind luck.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Instead Of Making A Very Bold Change

Many  business man and owners of business hate the idea of change. There is a lot involved in creating change. It takes a lot of energy, focus and dedication with a sometimes uncertain outcome. And yet many find themselves in a situation where they know they have to make a change.

Instead of making a very bold change, most try and water things down by approaching it with what they think is a common sense approach. The problem is, by believing that common sense is the best approach to change, the business owner gives himself permission to not really change at all.

Here are some of the disastrous common sense questions I here from clients:

Q: Isn't it important to make reasonable changes?
A: Yes, but it depends on which type of reason you use.

Reason Strategy #1 - The wrong way. The worst way to use reason to make a change is to think in reverse. This is where the business owner looks at how he's always done things, and applies this way of doing things to his decision. It 's reasonable because he is familiar with it, comfortable with it, and he thinks he can safely predict an outcome.

The problem is that doing more of the same doesn't produce change; it produces more of the same.

Reason Strategy #2 - The Right way. The best way to use reason is to base it on a desired future outcome. Here the business owner picks a specific point where she wants to be and then reasons her way into the outcome, regardless of where she is right now.

She will ask herself very powerful questions like,  "who do I need to have on my team to make this happen?",  "what knowledge do I need to achieve this goal?", "what skills do my people need to allow a breakthrough?"

Q: How do I minimize the discomfort in making the change?

A: You can't ; not if you want to create significant change.

The whole process of change is inherently uncomfortable. Almost by definition it moves us out of our comfort zone. While it's true that the bigger the change the more discomfort we feel, a big change will also offer potentially huge rewards.

Focus on the big rewards and you will develop the courage necessary to move through the discomfort.

No one has ever made it into the history books by being sensible. The make an impact on this world by being bold, daring, passionate and courageous.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Breaking A Success Habits And Creative Work

You know every year it's the same thing as we reflect on what we did and what we accomplished. Then, with pen in hand, we write our list of resolutions, of changes we'd like to make in the next 12 month. The health club parking lots, which are filled to capacity in January, have no shortage of spaces by March. The kick the cigarette pledge is gone at the first sign of stress.

Breaking a habit or crating a new one takes 28 days of work, a relatively short period of time to anyone but someone having a nicotine fit, change is the one area of our lives that we struggle with, even though it is one that is inevitable. By planning and hard work, we can develop a plan for change and improvement. Here are a few success habits that we can make for a successful 2012 and beyond.

You wouldn't get behind the wheel of a car without directions, so why drive you career into the ground? Achievers write out a list of goals, broken up into long term and short term, to focus their energies on the important, This is a habit we can get into. Our long term goal is to find a new career. In the short term, we have to research the field we want to get into, gather information about the companies we want to work for and contact our network for leads, ideas, and advise. Next comes crafting a resume, writing an effective cover letter, and preparing for those interview questions. By crating a list of goals, we are better able to stay one the right path and get to where we want to go.

Turn off the TV and turn on your mind. or to look at it another way , learning is earning. By reading 15 minutes a day, we are exposed to new ideas and are improving our communication skills. By taking a class, we are able to try something new, learn a skill, earn a certificate, and develop a hobby or interest into a moneymaking endeavor. But when the TV is on, all attention is drawn to it like moths to a flame. So instead of reading the TV Guide, look for something of interest or for some career information. It will pay off in the long run.

Dream. Dream? what do you mean dram? I dream when  I sleep, right. So why should I have to dream. It is our dreams that guide and inspire us. Make a college of what you want, showing pictures of places you want to live, cars you want to drive, and stuff you want to buy. This will help you to see the potential rewards of your hard work and effort.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Professional Business Card For Cafes And Coffee Tastes Sweeter Marketing

Popular Cafes towns and Cities across the world, but just because there is never a shortage of peoples that drink coffee does not mean that advertising for your cafe is not a smart idea. While you don't have to spend too much money on a campaign like commercials or billboards, there is one small and simple forms of advertisement that is sure to keep your business thriving, and that is a business card for cafe restaurants.

What Can a professional Card Do For a Cafe?

Think of a coffee business card as having the capabilities to do two things. Not only can you communicate who you are in your business, and demonstrate a level of professionalism, but you can share your business with others. This is a mini advertisement that conveniently fits in the packet of community members who might take an interest in your business, it is a great way to keep your business on the mind of your patrons and keep bringing new business to your coffee. An, what is easy about this form of advertising is that there is no need to go into depth with your card, as professional cards carry dimple and to the point information, like who you are, what your cafe is called, where it is located and perhaps what you serve.

That 's it! There is no need for in-depth sales pitches that compare you to your competition or lure in potential coffee.

The easiest and best way to ensure that you will have quality and creative business cards is by working with a printing company that specializes in helping you make cards online. These companies will oftentimes provide you with dozens to hundred of templates for your card that are appropriate for you cards, so all you have to do is choose the one you like.

Then you enter in the appropriate text in the pre-determined fields, and you will have a completed business card in a matter of minutes. This template that you create on your PC will then be sent to their printing company, where they will use offset printing as a means to formalize your creation onto card stock using the best inks accessible.

This process is simple and can be done in just a matter of days for most printing companies. So when you receive your order you will have hundreds of pre-cut custom cards that you can begin to display and distribute in locations all over your local area. Keep in mind when you are ordering your cards that most companies will provide a small discount if you order larger once you are seeing more patrons enter your door because of your business card for cafes, you will understand that coffee does begin to taste actually sweeter.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Interior Designing and 3D Architectural Visualisation Designing

Constructing a building is a long process and requires a good amount of  investment. It can be called a reiterative process. It starts from data gathering and drawing of a design. conceptualisation of the building structure and its interior is also important part of all the project phases.

To help with the conceptualisation phase, 3e architectural designing is used. It helps the client visualise what the final building will look like from the outside as well as inside. Viewing the exterior of the building is important, but of most importance is the interior of the building. The interior of the building needs to serve the purpose that it is being constructed for. That is why 3D imaging software uses the option of virtual tours to give the viewer a walkthrough of the whole building.

With 3D architectural visualisation, you can view multiple alternative design options for the exterior as well as the interior of the building. This can include changes to the floor plan, changes in the building materials or absolutely any other design aspect. That is why it has started to be used in interior designing as well.

Interior designing is important for every structure. whether it is a house or a bank, interiors will play an important role in setting the expensive as you need to hire professionals. That is why 3D architectural visualisation is used to help with the conceptualisation of the final interior design.

With a 3D image of the building's interior structure, interior designers can present multiple design option. With a 360 view to the client, they can choose from number of design, make small changes and experiment all before any work has started. It is not easy to whitewash a whole room after it has been fully painted because the client realises they don't like the paint colour. That will waste client's money as well.

With 3D architectural visualisation the client is happy to be involved with the designing process. And it makes the interior designing process completely efficient. With a preview of the final effect it become easier to make any minor adjustments that are required. All that is needed is the layout of the building and a number of floor plans can be constructed on it till the client id satisfied.

That is why 3D architectural visualisation is also frequently used when a building is under renovation. Anyone who has the slightest idea bout interior designing knows how difficult it can be at times to make a client concepualise a design without an image. With the aid of 3D design the client can now exactly conceptualise the interior designs created by the designer.

It is so easy to manipulate the 3D design on screen that designers can implement the client's requested changes in minutes. Getting this done beforehand makes the interior designing project manageable and efficient for both the client and the designer. For the workers involved, 3D architectural visualisation brings better project management as they  have a detailed view of their tasks beforehand.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Accurate Insight Into Feed Barley Prices

The farmers often suffer through difficult circumstance. At some point, the marketing responsibility of the framers make it very difficult for them. They have to spend considerable time researching the market shifts, preventing them from handling other serious agricultural activities. The feed barley prices have witnessed constant fluctuations in the last year, demanding the attention of both buyers and sellers across the market. In such cases, the agri-businesses must seek the help of the grain markers in the industry to avoid the complicated and time-consuming research.

There is vase difference between grain merchants and the grain brokers in the handling of factors like feed barley prices. The brokers have a limited role where they attempts to negotiate between the buyers and sellers. With inclusion of a broker, both the parties retain the risk that they encounter while trading with the feed barley.

On the contrary, the grain merchants hold the physical ownership of the products that they are dealing with, thereby reducing the risks. They extend credit to the buyers. The premium quality barley which would help you reap profits come with the maximum moisture of 14.8%, and a standard of 1% dock age. The tolerance of the barley for ergot and vomitoxin are highly dependent on the location. If the feed barley does not meet the specification or have other quality concerns, the standard trade discounts might be applied. The grain marketers understand that the farmers need to move the grain in a timely  manner to attain maximum profits. You can attain competitive prices for the feed barley that you wish to market.

The feed barley prices shift comprehensively depending on the location. For instance, the price of the entity at Lethbridge was 208 during mid 2011, while the same at Winnipeg was 214. It was then discovered that there were certain prices discrepancies. This makes it vital for you to keep an eye on the market. The online resources of the grain dealers would offer you pricing details of the required grains at the closest location close to you. Mostly the grains are bought and sold on the spot, but it is always advisable to perceive any upcoming change in the market. For instance, acquiring information about whether the feed wheat prices are about to drop can help you take the necessary steps to avoid a financial loss.

It is not just the buyers who benefits from the involvement with the dealers but also the sellers, as they can ensure prompt payments. The pre-determined contract and versatile payment options are feasible strategies for both, the buyers and sellers. You must not refer to an unaccredited grain marketer for the accurate feed barley prices. With research, you can determine whether the grain dealer is licensed as per the regulations of the Canada Grain Act. This is administered by the Canadian Grain Commission to ensure that the service that the grain dealer offers are up to the standards.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Advertisement Attractive To Consumers

I continue to earn my loving, I've never understood why so many advertisers seem to think that 'phil the Consumer," along with millions of other consumers like me, must all be total dunces! Three quick examples should prove how dumb many advertisers think we consumers are.

While watching a TV commercial for a national brand as unique because each pizza, according to the announcer, "has a hand-tossed style crust. " Look at those words one more time. The implication - what the agency would have you believe - is that there's and army of pizza-tossers hidden away somewhere that does nothing but hand-toss only this brand of pizzas. Not true!

Read those words again, '...hand-tossed style crust. "The key word is "style. : This particular brand of za is deliberately made to "look like" it's been hand-tossed - whatever that means - when they obviously zip down an assembly line untouched by human hands.

The there 's the burger chain that 's now selling a national brand of yummy, hot cinnamon buns. Every TV ad I've seen for them shows a close-up of two of those seemingly huge, tasty-tempting delicacies filling a colorfully decorate container. Price is never mentioned. But as I was told by more than one disillusioned customer, when they ordered those fresh-from-the oven goodies they got only one of them - mere two inches in diameter - for about $2.

Want that taste-tempting pair shown in the burger chain's commercials? we'll they're gonna cost you very close to $4.00 for the pair. That's for a couple of minuscule, not-completely-baked, semi-raw sticky buns? Really?

oh, and if you think those commercials insult your intelligence, consider how audacious the commercials are for dug companies. Great graphics, right? Convincing? They sure try to be. As for those doctors who recommend the drugs - okay, medication, if you prefer - they ain't doctors. Wake up, TV viewers! These are what are what ad agencies call "dramatizations.
Most feature actors, not real - life people. These folks are being paid - well paid - to

Now watch the words, those reassuring phrases that magically appear on your TV screen. How comforting, how reassuring they 're meant to be. Deliberately! Why Because if you were to listen to the voice-over disclaimer- the words the announcer is rushing through as those fancy graphics and pleasing words glide so comfortably past you on the screen, you'd never "ask your doctor" about the med that are being advertised. More often than not, the voice-over is proclaiming, sometimes in so many words, that while this or that med may relieve whatever symptoms you have, that same has the potential to kill you.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Inspection In A Small Company

A small company consisting of about 8 peoples. They are busy with interim services (finding and placing candidates within companies, a sort of  Temp agency). All this in the country Belgium. Most of them work from home. There is not really one office, and most communication is done by phone, e-mail and Skype. Seems pretty efficient no? That's what  I thought too, until I got this story from one of the people working there.

It turns out that there was a problem with receiving email for this particular person (can't reveal the name). Not much of a problem and technically easily fixed. The technical part is and was not the problem. What turned out to be the case is that the Managing Directors were receiving emails in blind copy(BCc) of everything that everybody either received or sent. So much (for right?) for privacy.

Ok, from a cultural point of view. What's the cultural make-up of Belgium according to professor Geert 

Hotsted? I'll list the first four dimension:

1. Power Distance: 62
2. Individualism: 75
3. Masculinity: 54
4. Uncertainty Avoidance: 89

Which dimensions make the most sense in explaining this behavior by the 2 bosses (the reading of all emails sent and received by their employees)?

My best pick would be Power Distance and Uncertainty Avoidance.

Why Power Distance?

Belgium scores culturally relatively high on dimension 1 and 2. The consequence is that most Belgians will do what their boss tell them to do. In other words they will accept (not necessarily respect) their boss. In addition, Belgians are quite Individualistic. Meaning in this case that they also have an "agenda" of their own. The combination of the two (dimensions 1 & 2make that when a Belgian subordinate accepts the assignment of their boss, and their own "agenda" doesn't "support" this, they might follow their won agenda in the case the boss in not paying attention (or:"inspecting" what they do). So, as a boss you're better off knowing what your people are doing all the time. Hence the screening of all the emails by the two bosses in the company (and they did screen ALL emails!)

Why Uncertainty Avoidance?

Simply put, in order to (in this case almost literally) avoid the uncertainty of not knowing what "others" are doing it is best to always know everything. In countries that score high on this dimension, people will pick up their mobile phone and answer any and all calls even when they're in meetings. In the above mentioned company reading all sent and received emails was an easy way to "know" what others were doing