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The default template for Blogspot blogs displays a blog's description on each page. This gives you an opportunity to increase the density of your blog's primary keywords and keyword phrases. If you write a keyword-rich blog description, however, you may prefer for your readers not to see it while still making it available for search engines to scan. Modify your blog's template to hide the description of your blog while keeping it in the source code.

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Friday, March 27, 2015

Corporate Video production Your Business's Success

Research study in 2013 showed that 93% of marketers use video to market advertise and communicate with target audience. Another study by eMarketer shows a 51% surge in sales conversion when video is included in an email marketing campaign. In addition, a Marketers Summary Report in 2014 projected that 74% of all Internettraffic will be video influenced by 2017.

Impressive Corporate Video Numbers

All these numbers highlight the integral role a corporate video production play in your business's success. Over 82% of Americans own a Smart phone, making videos even more critical for businesses. The question then becomes how to optimize them in explaining corporate ideas.

Tips on Pitching Business Ideas via Video

1. Write a Comprehensive Script

The planning stage in video production can make or break the objectives. You must plan clear messaging, who will be in the video, project problems, objectives, brand strengths or product features and the story that will be used in communicating all this. A rough sketch is all your production company needs to start production.

2. Hype Product or Brand strengths

It must have an objective, and if it is advertising, then make sure the benefits of your products or services are quickly introduced in the story. Contemporary viewers are choosy hence they need instant information through statistics, proof and evidence that what you are advertising really works.

3. Behind the Scenes Story

You can communicate business ideas by showing behind the scenes events in your business. This will demystify your business while also enhancing brand loyalty and trust. By opening up your business, you will have created familiarity, which in turn leads to more traffic on your page.

4. Email Marketing

If you have a message you want to pass across, fusing email and video is an ingenious technique of making sure your content is read. Your email should have a sketch of the information while the video link should promise more detailed information. Research shows that this technique guarantees over 200% click-through for your videos.

5. Social Media and Video Content

Whether you are launching a product or promoting it, Facebook is a good platform to make sure your business ideas are communicated. With content consumption on Facebook, Twitter and Whatsapp increasing tremendously, you are assured of increased sharing and click through for your videos if they are posted on social media.

6. Video Training

It can be primed for internal educational purposes within your organization. These videos are interactive and help explain intricate aspects of the business that your staff ought to understand.

Other ways in which you can optimize videos include product advertising, appreciation, entertainment, clarification, news and commentary and business demystification. Simply put, the opportunities are numerous.