The default template for Blogspot blogs displays a blog's description on each page. This gives you an opportunity to increase the density of your blog's primary keywords and keyword phrases. If you write a keyword-rich blog description, however, you may prefer for your readers not to see it while still making it available for search engines to scan. Modify your blog's template to hide the description of your blog while keeping it in the source code.
Good Day..
Everyone has some the other talents that are best suited for a particular job, switching on to just any job might cause discomfort. It is the work of the Management specifically the Human Resource Department to consign candidates with forethought and caution. A wrong placement would result in further recruiting, re-training, and similar unproductive activities. A specialized recruitment agency understands this very fact and approaches a professional with his type of job.
Since the recruitment process is a bit crucial thing for both the company and the candidate thus, a recruitment agency should note three very essential steps while implementing the approach of talent acquisition. Firstly, the recruitment firms practice massive consolidation of talents without understanding the actual requirement. This let go of the unfit or comparatively less productive manpower replacing them with the newly hired candidates. This is a totally wrong way to go as it hampers the professionals the most. This is the most common practice undertaken by the IT industry which makes it completely unstable for anyone.
Secondly, with an increased number of manpower consultants, everyone is rushing to get through a particular job. There are employment firms that do not believe in the talent acquisition process and run with the main focus of earning profits. These firms make it pretty easy for the candidates to go for the wrong fit.
Last but not the least, today companies are focusing on a quantitative approach rather than going for a qualitative one. This is making the companies hire new professionals every now and then, making it a bit complex for both the candidates and themselves. Thus, respective manpower consultants must focus on talent achievement & purchase and do the needful to hire and retain the right candidate for a particular job profile.
There are more companies that are cost-conscious and because of that, there are some business conferences and meetings that are no longer held. In an effort to contain costs, there are many businesses that are using web conferencing to hold important business meetings and training seminars, when a simple conference call won't be effective. In fact, there are many businesses that are coming to realize that webinars can be a great way to communicate with business associates and train their employees. A webinar can provide five times the retention rate of a normal business conference call and there are several other advantages that are part of this form of communication.
The webinars are fairly easy and affordable to put together. You will have a web conferencing host that facilitates the combination teleconference-webinar with an invitation that lets participants know the time, date, web address and participant code they need to use. Because the teleconferencing is integrated with the web conference, it is easy for participants to sign on to one or both, whenever you are ready to start the meeting. You are charged based on 15 cents per minute per connection, so you can budget your costs and the length of your web meeting accordingly.
When you compare the advantages of web conferencing to holding a traditional conference, the cost difference can be staggering and the convenience and productivity factors make it a more profitable option. If you have a remote workforce or business associates that are scattered around the globe, the price of airline tickets, lodging and meals can amount to large amounts of money. This doesn't consider the fact that your employees or clients might not be able to get away from other duties for the several days a business meeting can involve and the loss of productivity can be staggering, when you consider traditional means. With webinars, the participants can work until the webinar starts and go back to working, once it has been completed. For businesses that are watching their costs, this is a substantial saving that goes straight to the bottom line for all involved!
As a busy executive, you might not have enough hours in a day, but you don't want productivity to suffer or the important client contacts and presentations to be avoided because these are things that affect your management ability, as well. With web conferencing, you can collaborate on important business issues, train employees or distributors on innovative products and techniques or implement a company-wide change of policy with ease, through a webinar. In fact, you can hold several business meetings in a matter of minutes or hours through webinars, but they might take weeks through traditional business meetings or training seminars.
Because of features like desktop sharing, easy to implement PowerPoint presentations for visual effects and demonstrations or feedback tools you can implement in your web meeting, you can still have an interactive meeting that is productive and accomplishes the tasks you need to address in a short amount of time. When you are ready to meet, remote workers or business associates on the other side of the globe can have a visual presentation with an audio conversation and communication. This allows for immediate feedback, questions and personal interaction, while making everybody more productive and involved.
There are some business executives that aren't crazy about conference calls and consider them a waste of time. With web conferencing, the retention rate is higher because you are stimulating more than one of the important senses-visual and audio. Because the web meeting and presentation takes place on the participants' desktop, you can have a meeting where participants are following along and prepared for test questions, instead of surfing the Internet while their phone is set on speakerphone, like many conference calls they might take.
In my last post, I reviewed six important, defining characteristics of Customer Intelligence (CI is cultural, it's organizational, is interdisciplinary, involves two-way communications with customers, is focused on customer profitability, and is above all customer-centric). Now, I will contrast that list with six things that Customer Intelligence is not.
Although these six things are often associated with successful Customer Intelligence initiatives at organizations, any one of them taken individually is certainly not Customer Intelligence.
How many of these have been implemented in your organization?
Database Marketing
Database Marketing is a very specific set of tools and methods that tailors marketing, in particular direct marketing, to targeted groups of customers based on their characteristics (typically stored in a database, hence the term "database marketing"). It is, in essence, a more sophisticated form of direct marketing (that is, sending communications directly to customers or prospects to sell or promote a product or service), relying on vast collections of data and sophisticated techniques to determine who is likely to respond to such communication (e.g., statistical response modeling and other techniques).
This is certainly a step in the right direction – more targeted communications are better for both the customer and the business sending them, because customers are being told about something truly interesting to them, and marketers will generate a higher response rate, and therefore greater profitability, if they talk about something that customers actually want to buy – but it falls short of true "customer intelligence" because it is too narrowly defined.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
A CRM system's primary purpose is to help front-line customer service representatives interact with customers by providing "at-your-fingertips" access to customer profile data, in effect allowing reps to speak knowledgeably to customers about their relationships, take notes, and resolve issues. CRM systems consist of a front-end computer interface that the service reps use to call up customer profiles, and a back-end database that stores all of the customer data (often this is not a standalone database but part of a larger data warehouse).
A CRM by itself does not constitute CI nor does it provide CI, although it can be a critical component of CI since it provides a critical feedback loop, allowing service representatives to speak to customers with full knowledge of a customer's relationship, and to gather information from customers on issues that are important to them. The CRM does not provide high-level analytic capabilities but can provide a distillation of what is known about the customer and best practices and rubrics for handling inbound and outbound communications handled by service representatives.
The diagram below illustrates a typical flow of information between the Marketing team, the Decision Management team, and the Business Intelligence infrastructure (tools and data):
Marketing (business)
Decision Management
Business Intelligence Infrastructure (Tools +Data)
Decision Management and the supporting Business Intelligence infrastructure help define and direct the various customer strategies that the business pursues, but they do not constitute Customer Intelligence by themselves since they do not connect to the customer nor to the operational functions of the organization. Again, as with CRM or Database Marketing, DM and BI can be critical components supporting the development and deployment of Customer Intelligence, but alone they are not enough to be a sufficient Customer Intelligence solution.
Sales-Force Automation (SFA)
SFA tools are used to support the sales function in an organization. Typically an SFA implementation provides a "seat" or licenses to each sales person, who is then able to log in to the SFA software and load, manage, and work his or her leads. With an SFA tool, a sales person can input contact names, classify them, add notes as the relationship with the contact changes over time, send communications, and keep track of tasks – it is like contact management software on steroids.
SFA tools can range from simpler, more easy-to-use packages like GoldMine or ACT! (which can also be customized), to enterprise-class platforms such as Salesforce.com which is served over the web as a service (it doesn't require installation but is instead "hosted" on servers that the client company's sales force accesses over the web) and Oracle's Siebel platform, which has features of both CRM and SFA systems and is installed on a company's own computers.
Everywhere you turn, you will see offers from others to "fix your credit." There will be debt consolidation services, credit debt lawyers that promises to create a "new credit report" so you can start from scratch. We're not saying they are 100% scams, but we are saying that is money that you do not have to spend! You have the power to fix your own credit report.
What is required from you is that you check your credit on a regular basis. The government only guarantees you one free credit check per year. In order to get full access to your file, you may need to subscribe to a credit-reporting agency's services. The best you can do is to purchase a credit repair kit so you can get help with the technical requirements (letter drafting, and so on). However, when it comes down to communicating with the credit bureaus, the process is rather simple.
You write a letter to the bureau or bureaus that are listing the erroneous information. You provide your evidence (always send copies) and explain the situation in a letter. You request an investigation into the matter and the bureau opens a disputes case. They report back when the case is closed, whether in your favor or not. The good news is that even if the case doesn't close in your favor, you can still include a letter in your credit report explaining your side of the story.
Now you must take steps to repair your bad credit history. No one else can do this for you, regardless of any sensational offers made. Debt consolidation services do the same thing you have the power to do—they negotiate a payoff balance. (Even if they do get a payoff balance, they will charge you for their services, which defeats the whole purpose of "savings") A credit debt lawyer can only help you in reducing the volume of creditor harassment. As for software that promises to create a new credit profile, this action would be illegal!
Instead of letting others help you for a fee, help yourself to crawl out of debt and earn your way back to a favorable credit score. Create a budget that you can work with and then start analyzing your credit report. It all begins with you!