How to make business better - First and foremost, you have to be and outward focused company and individual. If you take a look around you will quickly realize that most entrepreneurs are "Me, Me, Me." 'Come check out My Facebook.' 'Come cheek out My profile.' 'Click My link.' You get the picture.

How to make new business - Once you have gone to visit them in their space, you will then, and only then, begin to understand exactly what you clientele's interests, concerns, and dislikes are. The process is never-ending because like any living organism, change is inevitable.
The best way to connect with your customer is to ask question. The more question you ask, the more you can learn from someone. In fact, the more questions you ask, the more your customer will feel appreciated, important, and listened to. Don't blabber on about all the cool features of you doodad. No one cares about the technical jargon.
When I was in the technology field, I use to confuse people all the time. Although I didn't sell computers, I'm sure most of you can relate with the following example:
This product has a two gigahertz quad-core processor, with 256 MB of RAM, two HDMI outputs, six USB ports, a 16x DVDR/CDR Burner, etc, etc,
Most people don't have any Idea what most of that means. They just want to know how it BENEFITS them. Here's an example most people would understand.

Talking to people this way, you will quickly begin to see the 'Ah ha' moments in their eyes. More people will take to what you have to say because the are connecting emotionally and envisioning how your product will benefits and even change their lives. This will be very challenging in the beginning, but the more you do it, the more you will see results. I guarantee it!
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