Nothing of any substance is getting done, anywhere. We have civic leaders, bureaucrats, 20-somethings, academics, politicians, and unbelievably even business leaders running around stroking each other's egos in an endless stream of meetings. No one anywhere will make a decision, not until they meet with "the group" and ask them what they think. Of course, the members of that group are also indecisive, so they have to go back to all the other groups they are also in and ask everyone there, all those people in turn ask their groups and friends, many of which are in the previous chain of groups, committees, boards, or whatever they attempt to call themselves.

Then they play the little musical chair pecking order games. Making sure everyone is okay with anything that is planned without anyone making a decision, eventually someone stands up and says "yes, let's do that," and then one-by-one others in all the other groups get on board with the new idea, that is after the next set of meetings, some of which get postponed, interrupted by holidays, and then held. The funny thing about all this, is that the person who thought of the idea and the person everyone was waiting to talk too, should have probably just agreed over the phone and told everyone else what they were doing.

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