Video is an important part of communication for profit and non profit organization. Better cheaper, and more mobile video production equipment is undoing many of the barriers that previously prevented many non-profit from taking full advantage of video communications.
Producing and effective video for a non profit organization can be effective if you keep the story brief. Focus on how your organization has helped individuals in the community. A compelling story will capture the audience and they will be able to relate to the message, therefor they might be willing to volunteer or contribute funds. Many non-profits provide so much value to the community and are restricted by budget. Set out a goal that you want to produce a well produced video that will tell the story about your organization. Ask the community and volunteers for help.

The story doesn't have to be a Hollywood blockbuster, but should convey a well produced video. In order to save money on a budget for a video production, try to use volunteers or others in the community as interviewers, or to help write the script or other production processes. Don't be afraid to approach a video production company. Some will work with you because they might believe in the cause. You will need some sort of a budget in order to create something that is professional, but some of the background work can be completed by volunteers. You can also use the video after the production online on You Tube to help promote your organization.

Another option is to produce a 30 second public service spot to promote your organization. You can also host this on you You Tube and other video sites and on your own site. Try to contact local television stations in your area and see if they would be interested in airing your spot for free or at a reduced cost. The public service spot should also convey a clear message of what your organization. A good story once again will entice the viewer to interact with your website and made contact with your organization to donate or volunteer their services.
In review non profit marketing can be just as effective as profit making organizations, the techniques are very similar. Using the non-profit organizations resources, good planning and utilizing the web, your non-profit will hopefully gain new prospects that will join or donate.