I know there is a loyalty factor, but is that really serving you? is sticking with someone you have outgrown serving either of you will?
I you feel you have outgrown a particular adviser, you will no longer be happy with them and their service and thus you won't be referring them, and if it has gotten way past time to replace them, you might actually be bad mouthing them, so they are losing out as well.
If you have grown beyond you current adviser, then it is time to find a replacement . Even worse if that adviser is holding you back from your potential and where you want to go, then you must make a change.

I know i stayed with a CPA that wasn't the best fit for me for several years beyond what my gut told me, because I felt like I couldn't make a change. Changing to a new adviser is always hard, there is time to do research to find them and/or ask for referrals from colleagues and then interview several to see if they will be better fit than current one.
That isn't how I want to be spending my time, and I'm sure your feel the same, but if you are thinking about it, then it is likely time to make a change and the longer you procrastinate, the worse things will get.
I am a small Independent Contractor, so it had never occurred to me that I needed financial statements. I was putting together a proposal in response to an RFP for a government contract and they wanted financial statements included as part of the response.

I have now totally shifted my view and think that financial statements are critical to the ongoing success of your independent Contracting business. The fact that my old CPA wouldn't create them for me should have been a red flag, but change is sometimes hard, and for whatever reasons I justified in my head, and I was unable to make the decision to make the change at the time.
It took me a couple more years of them providing the basics, but nothing more, plus some internal changes at the CPA firm itself before I follows my gut and made the change and moved my business to new firm.
The change in CPA was something that I had obviously been considering for a while, but the final straw had been when I found a mentor that explained financial statements in terms I understand, and demonstrated to me their importance even to small business like mine.
The convinced me that if my CPA wouldn't provide that basic service, then I had definitely outgrown their service altogether and needed to make the change.