Now, many boomers are entering a period of our live where we're questioning what we might want to do next. We know that job security went the way of the dodo many years ago, and that corporations are no more loyal to us than we should be to them. The financial services industry has failed us, and many of us think that our government is failing us, too.
At any rate, Boomers are well aware that we aren't going to have the luxury of guaranteed pensions to draw fromas we enter the next years of our lives.
And all of this is where starting a home business comes in. Depending on the kind of home business Boomers choose, we can have the freedom we've been dying to trade our corporate jobs to have. At he same time, we become the ones responsible for our own success. We don't have to worry whether or not our jobs will be history tomorrow, because we've become the boos!
That said you've found this article because you're probably a member of the Baby Boom generation and you're at least interested in checking out home businesses. With that in mind, here's a rundown on the kinds of home businesses you can own:

Franchises. There are home franchises out there that cost far less money to start than opening a brick-and-mortar franchise, and some of them will still give you the freedom to set your own schedule instead of being on your customers' schedules. But e careful-one kind of home franchise, commercial cleaning franchises, are well-known for having a lot of questionable business practices.
You can also do service work from home-everything from sewing to opening a childcare center. If you're a Boomer woman who has chosen homemaking and being a mother as your career, you may want to think about this opportunity. You're going to have some up-front costs in terms of getting licensing if you work with children or with food, but the fun and profit you can earn may well be worth it!
Do you do arts and crafts? Have your friends sworn they've purchased items that were half as good as what you're doing in your spare time? Boomers are lucky-we have the internet, and you can use the internet to open up your own Etsy store to turn your hobby into a business.

Finally, if you love people and are passionate about a certain product line, you can go into old-style network marketing -demonstration parties and selling products person-to -person. And these days you can even do network marketing online and reach out to huge markets!
The point here is that we Baby Boomers have a wealth of experience to bring to our own businesses. At the same time, creating at least a second income steam has never been more important than it is today.
If you're one of my fellow Baby Boomers, don't let today's economy get your down After all, we've seen recessions before, haven't we? But if you're creative and willing to put some consistent effort into it, a home business will at least give you a second stream of income-and at best, it will free you from an uncertain corporate job and give you the freedom you've been carving.