A word of warning nevertheless, no matter what company or business you're in, don't ever hire soon after one interview it's way too little to really find out what someones about.
Regarding of how awful the tension gets to hire rapidly, always keep to the same six-step system we outline on this sales management training. This kind of sales management hiring technique ensures uniformity so you can consider each application in as consistent way as is feasible

The Six Step Hiring Process:
1. Figure out Your Hiring Requirement
2. Perform thorough resume Assessment
3. Hold the First Interview (six minutes)
4. Hold the Second Interview (one to two hrs)
5. Execute Background and Reference Checks
6. Put together the Offer
Total time investment for all steps: 2 to 6 weeks as well as nearly three-plus hours of your time (perhaps more if you do the third interview )

This will likely appear to be a lot of time and energy invested for one lousy hire?
Consider it this way, you are hiring somebody that will feed your loved ones.... if that isn't a reasonable motive to guarantee you're doing all you are able to do to make the correct decision I don't rally know what is.
Just about every step in the process is in a timed pattern mainly because you need time to reflect, really think and reflect on the meaning of the details you've found in each phase. The human brain simply need time to process all this information!