The "Hurry up And Wait" Tactic
As negotiating tactics go, the "hurry up and wait" tactic is actually pretty simple. The basic idea is that the side of the table that is doing the buying takes over control of the pace of the negotiations. Once they do that, they are now in the driver's seat.
The selling side of the table has certain expectations in regards to what next step in the negotiating process is and when that step will occur. When the seller takes control of the pace of the negotiations, they can change the tempo and this will cause distress for the seller.
A common way to employ the "hurry up and wait" tactic is to start the negotiations with and air of immediacy. Everything is rush, rush, rush. Discussions are held, requirements are gathered, and finally a proposal is made. Then nothing.

When the buyer side finally starts the negotiations up again, the seller side will be so grateful for any communications that they will be willing to make concessions in order to keep the negotiating process going.
This start-stop -start process can be used by the buyer side over and again. As time stretches on, the seller side will become more and more disoriented and therefore more vulnerable to making poor concession decisions.
How to Counter The "Hurry Up And Wait Tactic"
The "hurry up and wait" tactic is a powerful negotiating tactic that puts much of the power during a negotiation into the hands of the buying side of the table. It is difficult to counter, but there are steps that you can take.

Your next step is to search for ways to negate the use of the "hurry up and wait" tactic. What you need to find is a motivation for the other side to move faster. If the item that is being negotiated is in limited supply or if there are potential delivery issues, you have the option of informing the other side of this. They are more than welcome to take as much time as they want; however, let them know that what they are negotiating for may not be available if they delay for too long!
What All Of This Means For You
During sales negotiation, there are expectations as to what the pace of the negotiation will be. The buyer controls the pace to a great extent and if they decide to do so they can use "hurry up and wait" tactic.
By alternating the pace of the negotiations from fast to slow to fast again, the buyer can wear the seller out and induce anxiety. This can causes the seller to start to doubt their price and therefore end up lowering it just to stay in the game.
Sellers need to keep their eyes open in order to detect when this tactic is being used. There is no clear-cut defense against it; however, being aware that it's being used is a good start. Sales negotiators who can detect when "hurry up and wait" tactic is being used will be better prepared to roll with it and still end up getting a good deal.