First up is the business partner. Now, like a marriage, you're going to want trust, devotion and still and informal relationship that involves some enjoyment outside of the business arena. Although the last point isn't vitally essential, it still helps tremendously to forge a friendship with a business partner, allowing for regular dialog and a positive.
Finding a business partner shouldn't be hard work if the business idea is worth pursuing. You would be surprised at how many people jump at the chance to take part in a business they think will be profitable. It's a possible life-changing venture that brings out the entrepreneur ins us all. Think about family and friends first. Although it's not unheard of to take on a partner solely for financial reasons, the more important aspect of a business partnership is trust. Close friends and family are usually popular moves the relationships are already forged.

If not, how would you even know about it? There are very few things in business more important than the actual marketing aspect. You want to reach an audience, and the avenues to travel here are numerous. You can always purchase advertising. Promoting your business in papers and even on local television spots is quite effective albeit a little expensive.
If you're running an online business, then there are equally effective avenues you can explore that won't cost you a lot of money at all. Try exploring social networking sites. Sites around like MySpace, Facebook and Twitter are all insanely popular these days.
Taking your time to drive traffic to your business through these sites will not cost anything at all and you'll easily be able to locate a niche market. Advertising and link exchanging with other established websites is also something worth exploring.
The might cost a little bit of money, but by targeting already established sites to do your marketing with, you're looking at instant traffic. And like it or not, you'll never be able to run a business without customers. You have to get them there. With a business partner as equally goal oriented as you are, you'll be able to cover twice the ground and advertise even more effectively.

This will help your advertisement look like less like the dreaded spam and more like legitimate ads for a legitimate business. Now that you've got a partner and you're working on promotion, it's time to profit. Your product should be good enough to speak for itself. If you're selling something that people want, profiting on it shouldn't be hard at all once you get the customers there.