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Showing posts with label Career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Career. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2018

The Career and Growth Path : Food Business Consultant

The food business term and consultant, itself reveals a lot of information. Basically, it is the industry that provides with all the knowledge, guidance and assistance required by the people in their businesses that involve food, including hotels, restaurants, schools, and cafeterias, or any other place where the food is served to the people.

The main purpose of the people belonging to the particular business is to serve their clients in order to offset the problems that occur in their food business. Also, not only at the time of the problem, but the consultants can be approached when someone is about to start his/her new business related to food, they can seek the advice of the food business consultants. As they have the proper and required knowledge, they can assist to solve any kind of problem in a cost-effective way.

Two parties, the consultants and their client (who is in need), are involved in the process. A specific time is decided in advance with a specific aim to achieve and accordingly the fees is charged.

Career path to become "Food business consultant"

Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) is a worldwide industry association that promotes professionalism in foodservice and hospitality consulting.The eligible candidate must clear the two exams to become professional members of the Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI).

Various steps involved in the process of becoming a food business consultant:

— Degree

One must attain a bachelor's degree in food science, food industry management, hospitality or any field related to food industry, in order to pursue the same as the career path. One can get the degree online as many organizations offer the online courses as well.

— Gain experience

In order to become a professional member of the FCSI, an individual must have at least three years of experience in the foodservice industry. Capable consultants can gain the practical experience by working at various levels in the variety of work environments, including, school cafeterias, hospitals, restaurants, fast food establishments, etc.

— The position of an employee of a food business consultant firm

An individual must work his or her way up in the professional hierarchy of food industry consultants and seek employment with a food industry consulting firm. At the initial level, the employee may work in any of the job related to food that is available at the firm and should strive for opportunities to become a project manager in the later course.

— An Associate Member of the FCSI

Before the topmost level, there are a lot of executive levels for a person to clear. Executive or the associate levels are majorly termed as the learning or the trainee levels, where the capable person learns everything in order to attain the higher position in his/her field. An FCSI associate member, after working as project manager, qualifies to become a senior associate member of the FCSI.

— Professional Member of FCSI

After completing the above steps, an individual is eligible to become a professional member of the FCSI. Individuals who succeed to become the professional members are further eligible to serve people that are seeking the help of the qualified food industry consultants. consultant and terms condition in the business and value must be involved.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

You Are Stuck In A Career Rut

Career with the hope of finding job stability and over time, make that job or series of jobs into a career. Sometimes people know the details of their career as it progresses, while others try to figure it out as they go along. Whether or not a specific plan has been developed, it is possible for a lull to occur where it seems progress is no longer being made. The challenge for a lull period is how a person handles it or addresses the emotions that likely will accompany it. A brief period of feeling stagnant that you overcome by establishing new goals may only feel like a bump in the road. But if a feeling of frustration about your job or career has developed, and it has been sustained long enough that you are consciously aware of it, this may be a time when you have become stuck in a career rut.

What Do You Want from Your Career?

One of the most effective starting points to work from to deconstruct what you are presently feeling about your job or situation is to decide what you want to do with your career. This doesn't mean you need to know the specifics but it is a time to determine what your expectations are or should be. For example, do you want to eventually lead your organization or build your own business? The point is to help you better understand the lull period. It could either mean you know where you want to be and you are not making progress, or you don't have any specified plans and that by itself can lead to an awareness that you aren't making significant steps forward in your career. It is possible to work through either scenario and it all starts by examining your current job.

Self-Assess Your Job

Begin by trying to remember why you accepted this current job. There was something that prompted you to accept this position, even if you took it just for the income. This will serve as a starting point for your self-assessment. As you continue to reflect upon why you began you can then ascertain if there were any expectations you held about the future of that job. Then consider how your time in this position has evolved. Did it live up to your expectations? You will likely recall both positive and negative events, if applicable, but the idea is to determine what you have gained from this job and pinpoint the time when you felt frustrated or that you were no longer making progress. This is an important step because you will either realize that there was a triggering event or you will find that nothing has changed and what is at the heart of what you are feeling. This allows you to begin changing your focus or your purpose for that job.

Are You On Track Now?

If you have followed the process outlined, by this point you should have a better understanding of your present job and how it has progressed over time. You also have an idea about the purpose of your career. However, if you don't yet have career goals, that needs to be your first priority. Don't be concerned about looking too far ahead and if you are in a job just because you need that income - that still serves as a purpose for going to work. But now the next step is to see where your job fits into your career. Take into account the career goals you have established and where this job places you within that timeline. This can help you see the value in the work you are doing now and it will help you discover that every job has a
purpose. This current job may not be the best match for your career but it is helping you to redefine and/or use some of your skill sets.

Warning Signs to Watch For

1. More of the Same: If you have been in the same job performing the same tasks and not progressing, then it is very likely you may be stuck. The question is whether or not it is done by choice. Are you seeking out other tasks or opportunities, or are there none available? Have you talked to your supervisor or manager about doing more? It does not always have to involve taking on more job tasks. For example, perhaps you could lead a project or meeting. The point is to be proactive and get out of this rut.
2. Living in Fear: Are you living in fear of making a change? Fear can be a powerful De-motivator and create negative feelings that lessens your self-confidence. It can stop you from taking advantage of opportunities primarily because you eventually stopped looking. It may take some practice but you can learn to work with it - if you take an objective rather than emotional position. Don't try to figure it out either as you may never know what first sparked your fear, and your search you may actually cause you to become even more frustrated.

3. You've Stopped Learning: Are you no longer interested in professional development? That is another reason why you can become stuck, you've stopped doing something that can provide value for your career. The purpose of ongoing professional development is not to please anyone else, rather it is meant as a means of bolstering your resume as you acquire and/or further develop your knowledge base and skill sets. It can also provide you with networking opportunities as you connect with others.
4. You Experience Stress: Are you experiencing prolonged stress, anxiety, or apprehension? If so, any of the signs can be an indicator you are not moving forward in your career. It is possible that many jobs are of a stressful nature; however, if you are highly motivated and enjoying your job you would have a better ability to manage the potential for stress. The point is to recognize stress as an indicator and develop plan to address it.
5. Work Is No Longer Enjoyable: Do you no longer enjoy going to work or performing any aspect of your job? There are many reasons why you might feel this way and one is an indicator of your dislike and/or dis-engagement from the job. This does not mean you have to feel elation every workday but if the job was actively causing you to feel fulfilled - you would be more likely to enjoy it. When work is no longer enjoyable it is time to set new goals.

Take Control of Your Career

One of the most difficult lessons to learn about a job is that regardless of circumstances, you always have some measure of control and you can decide how you feel, how you will respond to conditions, and the performance you put into your job. You also have control of your career. While you may not find an abundance of new opportunities, you can be proactive and develop your career profile - and that includes the affiliations you belong to, the networking channels you create, the ongoing professional development you complete, and the skills you develop.
As you learn to be proactive you create a sense of self-empowerment so that when you do reach a lull in your job you understand the temporary nature of it, and you use it to prompt a time of self-analysis. You can be focused on the moment of feeling stuck or you can stay on track with your career goals and make strategic changes at the right moment. And if you feel stress or fear, or any other negative response, then you must address it and not hope that it will just go away on its own. Over time you are likely to find that the more you observe and address the warning signs.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Starting New Job For A New Career

Ready to make a huge change that will get you a big payback? Have you always had a dream, but never thought it possible? If you are not in the profession of your dreams, stop wasting time and start searching for a new career today! Life is too short to spend time in a business that you do not love, and there are so many opportunities out there for a great new job. There are no excuses for staying in a job you hate, when you can be in a new career now!

Where can you find this dream job? There is the tried-and-true method of searching newspaper advertisements for job listings, and some great jobs can come from that resource. Some may suggest cold-calling businesses to ask if they are hiring, but that method is generally considered old-fashioned and is not generally advised by hiring professionals. Cold-calling a business can make you seem unacknowledged of the market industry, especially as most businesses that are hiring will place an advertisement for the position. Some people have had success with this method, though, so it is good to remember that it is always an option.

Business professionals generally suggest using online methods of finding a job, scouring job boards and using job search engines to find a new career.
Companies are finding it to be more fiscally responsible to place advertisements online on job boards designed to filter traffic to the job board, giving companies a huge return for their money by making their open job position viewable by many. For this reason, many companies use online job boards, so the job positions listed on boards are extensive.

Job search engines allow you, as the consumer, to enter specific search words in order to find a job in a specific market, pay rate, or location. Websites that use job search engines usually have extensive job listings available in a larger physical area. This is a great option, especially if you are willing to travel for a job, or even move to a different city.

Finding a website that combines both a job search engine and job boards is an excellent resource to landing your new career. With the combination of the two, more positions are able to be seen on the same website, and you can apply for jobs twice as fast as using one option alone.

By using online job boards and job searches, you can be in a new career fast. Do not give up on chasing your dreams - find a way to make your dreams come true with a new job today. With a little effort, you can start your new job in your dream field and make a difference in someone Else's life and in the world. It is never too late to start the search, no matter how old you are or what financial position you are in at the moment. With a new job, and renewed passion.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Regarding Customer Service and Customer Service Career

The customer service industry requires one to exercise certain characteristics when servicing customers. Poise, patience and professionalism to name just a few. There is, however, one three-letter word that can hinder ones ability to consistently display these characteristics. That word is EGO. My definition of EGO is "Emotions Going Orbital" It's possible to ruin a customer relationship should this dangerous word surface during an interaction. That's why it's important to leave home without it!

Now we all have an ego, so it's quite natural to jump to one's own defense when feeling slighted or verbally attacked. Sometimes customers say or do things that can make us feel disrespected or less than a person. A cross word, a mean-spirited request or abusive language can get one close to the edge. Here are a few ways to keep that ego quiet.

Be Determined - Before beginning your workday, remind yourself of the need to keep your ego in check. It takes effort to maintain one's composure when we feel our very identity is being attacked. It's up to you to be aware of when you feel the need to defend your opinion or respond in kind during an unpleasant situation. Be determined to pause for a moment and say to yourself "This is not about me." I learned to practice this suggestion myself when it appeared my ego was about to make an appearance. Doing so helped to avoid what would surely be negative outcomes had I allowed my ego to win the battle. If yours is a strong personality, it's important to not allow that trait to lead to arguments or battles with the customer. You will lose in the long run!

They Don't Really Know You - During my customer service career, I've noticed that it's rare that a customer intentionally sets out to attack someones personal identity. After all, how can they when they don't really know you. Their words may sting or injure one momentarily, but just like anything else, in time this will pass too. Now I hear someone saying, "Errol, you don't know what that customer just said to me!" Yes I probably can guess what comment you may have had to overlook in order to remain professional. Just remember, in the midst of the situation, you represent your company as well as yourself. This particular customer has no idea who you are as a person, so don't allow your ego to override your goal to always be professional. The mark of a professional is the ability to remain professional in the midst of chaos. Set a high standard for yourself and don't allow your ego to cause you to perform beneath your standard.

Be Realistic Regarding Customer Service - As much as we want to please every customer, there will be instances where someone will be unhappy with some portion or all of their experience with a company. Right now as I'm writing this article, somewhere in the world is an unhappy customer. You will encounter not so pleasant people during your customer service career. In knowing this as a fact, be ready to professionally get through a tough situation. Some customers do speak abusively or profanely. They can make unrealistic demands. They are sometimes wrong. In knowing this, it's important to develop internal fortitude that refuses to take a customer's unpleasant behavior personally. If your ego escapes the cage during an interaction with an abusive customer, there will be trouble. I repeat, in knowing human nature, know that you will encounter
unpleasant people. Practice remaining professional - keep your ego locked away.

There will be instances where it becomes necessary to professionally remind the customer of your professional boundaries. I have often spoken these words when encountering overly verbally abusive customers - "Mr./Mrs. Customer, I apologize for the situation. I can understand your frustration. As I work to resolve this situation, I would hope that we can be respectful towards one another. Can we agree to do that?" By getting the customer to answer this question or at least think about what I just said, more often than not the abuse ceased.

Remember, don't allow yourself to become victimized by your Emotions Going Orbital! Resolve to leave that ego at home before servicing your customer. You will encounter all types of personalities during your stay in this industry. Block out that ego by Being Determined, by telling yourself They Don't Really Know Me and by Being Realistic Regarding Customer Service.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Career In Banking And Finance Jobs

High ranking profession in a society and build the careers in banking are both lucrative and rewarding, but at the same time are varied and diverse. Before choosing a career in finance, one should take a step back and consider which type of position would suit the individual.

Understanding Banking and Finance Careers

For example, should one apply for a career in retail banking or try for a more lucrative position within a multinational corporate bank? The final decision is an important one. Therefore, we hope this brief yet informative guide will help you find your way. 

Retail Banking

Retail banking represents the branch networks of High Street banks. The entry-level career in this type of banking is the counter teller whose job it is to deliver service with a smile to visiting members of the public. Duties mostly involve routine deposits and withdrawals of funds from personal and business bank accounts, but can include basic advice on various financial products. The qualifications required for this type of position are at least a secondary education and some form of customer service and cash handling experience. Other retail banking positions include personal managers and business managers, usually promoted from the counter staff, whose job it is to open new bank accounts, issue loans and offer advice about financial products including insurance and mortgages. Lastly, we have the bank manager who oversees the branch and its activities. Retail banking jobs do not require university qualifications and so thus are a perfect career choice for less academic individuals.

Investment Banking

Investment banking covers far more specialized financial services, looking after the needs of commercial, industrial and governmental clients. Careers in this field include investment bankers, stockbrokers and financial analysts. Duties consist of the setting up and management of corporate loans, the handling of company acquisitions and mergers and the day to day trading of stocks and shares. To qualify for an investment banking career, one has to boast excellent written and verbal interpersonal skills and have a good academic track record, i.e. A levels, with at least one degree in any subject. Graduate training courses and internships are available, but are in short supply, meaning competition for places is tight. A wise move for those wishing fast-track to high-end finance jobs would be to study for a degree in a related field, such as accountancy, economics or financial planning, and use such a qualification to move into a relevant finance banking career and bright future.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Positive Aspects Of A Career

It is  essentially career stagnation, and for many people, it is a very unsettling place to be. Career plateaus happen to nearly everyone at some point in their lives. While the reasons for your career stalling are varied, it is important to not allow it to over come you. Here are some ways to transform a plateau into a catalyst to propel you toward the next level of your career;

Determine the Reason

One of the first things to do when you realize you've plateaued in your career is to take some time to determine the reason. Is this a natural plateau that has occurred as you patiently wait for a promotion? Is it due to economic turns that have left your company struggling to grow? Some people even design purposeful plateaus into their career for personal reasons. One example of this would be choosing to take on less responsibility and work as you focus on raising your children. Plateaus are sometimes a necessary break in your workload to recharge and prepare for your next venture.

Many job ruts are unforeseen, however. When this occurs, they are more likely to cause deep frustration. If you have been working diligently for a long period of time and are consistently  over looked for more responsibility or promotions, it might  be time to look for other job opportunities. Regardless of the reason behind career plateaus, these quiet times can have a transformed effect on you life if you know how to take advantage of them.

Look at the Positives

If you take time to consider the positive aspect of a career lull, you'll soon see that career plateaus offer some benefits. Keep these positive aspects of career plateaus in mind to regain perspective as you move through this season in your career:

  • They offer a chance to stop and consider your goals, regain strength for upcoming obstacles and change course if necessary.
  • They give you time to learn and strategies to reach your next great position. For instance, when business is slow, you have time to acquire additional training .
  • Career plateaus grant you a valuable opportunity to develop your own business or side venture. While enjoying the security of steady income, benefits and minimal work pressures, you can put more time and energy into cultivating your hobbies, freelance work or budding business.
Be Realistic About the Negatives

While it is important to avoid self-pity and remain optimistic about your career situation, it is just as vital to learn any necessary lessons. Look at your situation and honestly assess any performance issue that could have contributed to your career plateau. has boredom with your current position caused the quality of your work to take a nosedive? This gradual disengagement that can occur if you no longer feel challenged by your work leads to habitual under performance, which will not go unnoticed in any position.

Another possible contributing factor to consider is your embedded reputation. This is a dynamic within the company that ultimately hinders you from promotion because you are seen by your superiors in a certain way. once you have been typecast in this manner, it is difficult to break free from that image. when this occurs, your best option is to seek out better employment opportunities and break free from your mold.

 Seek professional Career Guidance

Career plateaus are a part of life. While they can cause a lot of stress and job dissatisfaction, they do not have the power to derail you unless you become internally paralyzed by them. Looking for the positives of your situation, strategies your next career move and learning from the lull will ensures you are handling a career rut effectively. If you find yourself struggling through a plateau period, consulting a staffing professional can help you create a reasonable action plan to transition out of your current position.