Welcome to My Blog

The default template for Blogspot blogs displays a blog's description on each page. This gives you an opportunity to increase the density of your blog's primary keywords and keyword phrases. If you write a keyword-rich blog description, however, you may prefer for your readers not to see it while still making it available for search engines to scan. Modify your blog's template to hide the description of your blog while keeping it in the source code.

Good Day..

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

How To Start And End a Speech William

Confidence and quality speeches is dependent the two most important parts of our speech are the start and the finish. But most of us spend a lot more time concentrating on how to kick-off our speech rather than how to end it. Too often speeches have good beginnings and fizzling endings.

That's a mistake because the end of our speech is our chance to give audience members something to walk away with. The start of our speech is important to establishing rhythm for us and credibility for our audience. The end of our speech is our explanation point.

One of the people who offered words of wisdom about how to properly end a speech is the great William Penn, a man who gave innumerable speeches during his lifetime. If you're like most Americans, William Penn is probably a name you remember from school but would be hard-pressed to explain the role he played in our nation's history. This is not usual for a nation rich in important historical characters.

For the record, Penn was a real estate entrepreneur, philosopher, early Quaker and founder of the province of Pennsylvania, which became the U.S. state of Pennsylvania. The democratic principles that he set forth served as an inspiration for the U.S. Constitution. He walked among us from 1644 to 1718.

Here's what William Penn had to say about ending a speech in a manner that accomplishes its intent: "Speak properly, and in as few words as you can, but always plainly, for the end of a speech is not ostentation but to be understood.

In other words, don't try to be showy or flowery. Don't get abstract or overly metaphorical. Don't be given to romanticized soliloquies. Instead, focus on directness and clarity. People respond far better to directness and clarity at this stage. Get too flowery or metaphorical and our message is likely to be misinterpreted or watered down.

So we should carefully consider our parting message. What's appropriate? What will actually penetrate? We might want to:

* Reiterate our key message, the one we started with and reinforced along the way.
* Echo something we said at the start of the speech, so come full circle and give our audience a sense of   completeness.
*This gives our comments a holistic feel.
* Present a call to action, if we're asking or expecting audience members to act on what we have said. If we don't make the request or challenge, we don't get the desired action.
* Contribute money to a cause they can get behind, based on the information we have imparted.
* Change their behavior in ways that benefit them.

In any case, we give speeches for a reason, and that is to influence others in some manner, shape or form - whether to educate, entertain, motivate, manage or chastise. The end of the speech is our final opportunity to put our stake in the ground and drives audiences to action.

William Penn's advice is sound and practical. Simply put, it is to articulate our closing thoughts with directness and unmistakable clarity.

Public Relations As a Management Tools

Public relations (PR) and use the effective tools as a communications process is not advertising in the sense that a product is being promoted. Rather, PR is a process of promoting and managing an individuals or an organization's image and reputation as perceived by the public. The management of the image is a matter of persuasion by an admittedly bias technique, but the bias should not represent any aspect of the individual or organization that is not true.

The effort of PR is intended to persuade the public using the media to establish and reinforce reputation, raise the public awareness of the subject, enhance perception of integrity, and motivate action. The most important factors in public relations in the accomplishment of these efforts is to be relevant to the public mindset while trying to persuade particular point of view and to do so with verifiable substance of information.

To succeed in these efforts, PR uses a number of tools to communicate an individuals or an organization's image and reputation to the public, but there are two primary requirements for successful PR: it must be relevant and it must be timely if it is going to reach the public and persuade individuals to action.

Relevance goes to where people live. It must affect and persuade individuals in a very local and personal way to motivate them to action. If your message attempts to persuade a public perception that they must invest in precious metals, but the individuals reached are poverty-stricken, the suggestion will be ignored as irrelevant to their condition. First, they must be persuaded in the tools to lift themselves out of poverty to a condition of disposable income, then persuade how best to use it.

Timeliness is necessary to encourage immediate action. A promotion to attend a local rally of a political candidate in six months might be a good general story, but it is neither timely nor relevant to the immediate concerns of the public.

There are eight basic tools of public relations:

Press release: an announcement of immediate, timely and relevant information released to the media to inform and educate about issues relevant to that community.

Background: historic information to educate the public about the individual or organization origin and purpose.

Special events: shows, conferences and conventions to communicate current product, policy or purpose.

Point of view (POV) articles: organizational perspective on issues affecting public opinion.

Speeches: personification of issues; relevance and timeliness personified individual to individual.

Photos and videos: a visual record of special events and speeches to communicate to a wider audience than when originally presented.
Print content: brochures, manuals and newsletters to put hard content in the hands of the public for confirmation and background on what is verbally and visually presented.

Internet content: websites, blogs and social media in an effort to combine all the above tools to reach the widest possible audience.

By effective use of these tools using relevant and timely content.

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Different Types Of Washroom Services

High level of hygiene in public washrooms, it is crucial to take on the assistance of a reputable company offering washroom services for your business organization. The professionals delivering the washroom equipment and services ensure a safe and hygienic environment for your employees and clients using the washroom. Here are some essential services to look out for while taking on a professional provider.

Hand Cleaning Facilities

A wall-mounted hand cleaning arrangement is a necessity in any washroom. This is essentially a detergent dispensing device. You can choose from automated systems that provide fluid, gel or froth type detergent. These hand-washing solutions provide a great comfort to your employees and clients.

The arrangement incorporates reloading facility as and when required.

Hand Driers

Automatic hand driers are a good option if you want to reduce tissue paper waste in your washroom.

Sanitary Disposal Units

Sanitary disposal bins are vital for a female washroom. They provide a cost-effective, discreet and hygienic solution for woman employees and clients at your organisation.

Automatic Air Fresheners

You may install an air freshener system to keep your washroom free from disagreeable odours at all times. The device is programmable and fully automated. You can choose from a variety of fragrances.

Cistern and Toilet Sanitizers

These units installed inside your cisterns dispense a quantity of a sanitizing fluid with every flush. The solution keeps the toilet bowls clean. In addition, regular flushing with the solution prevents the build up of deposits in the drainpipes.

The sanitizing fluid has a pleasant fragrance, which dispels unpleasant odours in the washroom.

Toilet Paper Rolls

Toilet paper rolls are perhaps the most important units in a washroom. You can choose from a wide assortment of toilet paper types.

Most toilet paper is available as one or two ply. A 2-ply sheet is about 20% less thick than two sheets of one ply toilet paper. There are luxury or quilted toilet paper rolls, which are considerably more expensive that the regular varieties.

A sheet type of toilet paper is an interleaved toilet paper. A second sheet is automatically available when you pull out a sheet.

There are recycled toilet paper rolls for the environmentally conscious business owner. Made from office grade recycled paper, these toilet rolls offer an essential service for your washroom.

Additional Facilities

Refuse sacks and bin liners are important for any washroom. You must have an abundant supply of these articles for effective waste management.

Cleaning Services for Washrooms

It is essential to keep your washroom clean and hygienic at all times and to maintain the devices installed. The company making available the washroom services take care of this aspect. They deploy professional cleaners for maintaining your washroom.

The skilled cleaners scour all the surfaces to remove any dirt or marks. This eliminates the possibility of microbe build up in the washroom. The professionals sanitize the equipment installed and check maintenance issues.

Plumbing professionals from the service check the pipes and cisterns for blockages.

Clean and hygienic washrooms are essential for creating a healthy work environment for your employees and making a positive impression on your business clients.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Affordable care Act and Affect Community Service

Affect community most health, mental health, social service and human service organizations will be affected by the Affordable Care Act (ACA), and agencies should be involved now in proactive community service planning. If you have services that provide direct health or mental health care, social services, skill building and support, you will want to study your state's plans for its implementation of the ACA.
Broad Changes in the Landscape
In most states, community based nonprofits will find that the ACA will re-shape how services are priorities, managed and funded. Many will find that:

The service delivery infrastructure changes. A larger percentage of services will be paid through Managed Care Organizations (MCOs) that are designated as key intermediaries for the ACA;
More community based services will be covered through third party payments handled by the MCOs;
Community agencies will need to beef up their data systems, often paying for costly information system design or purchase, and training;
A smaller percentage of services will be covered through grants and contracts;
Competition for services will increase with larger organizations more able to respond to the quality of care, data and information system requirements.

These represent broad, sweeping changes that will have a very significant impact on the service delivery systems in our states and communities.

How Health Information Exchanges Alter the Landscape 
Most states are creating new Health Information Exchanges as part of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act. States and the information exchanges set the requirements for data that is being required and collected.

Most agencies are now handling patient care through electronic records, rather than the old paper filing systems. They are also collecting and reporting data related to diagnosis codes, care provided, quality benchmarks, etc. In many cases, community providers need to purchase new software and train staff, and the costs are rather substantial.

The benefit is that we will continue to save a lot of trees. The drawback in a number of states may be that it becomes increasingly difficult for smaller community based providers to pay-to-play.
What Agencies Can Do To Respond to These Changes
Policies that regulate these activities and provide transitional funding will be needed in order to ensure successful transition and the maintenance of robust community systems. The MCOs should have clear accountability requirements, caps on profits, and mandates for maintaining levels and quality of service. There should be requirements for timely payments to community providers. MCOs will be making considerable profits, and, as such, should be expected to bear much of the cost of the transition, training and technical assistance and building data systems. Where federal transition funding is being made available, it should cover costs for different levels of transition, to include the state's work, the MCOs and community agencies. In some states, you may find that the federal funding is spent primarily at the top levels, supporting state and
MCO transitions, with less spent for community providers. Strong advocacy by associations and networks can result in creating more equitable policies and funding.

The following are some of the key policy, planning and implementation issues to be addressed that will affect community based services in your state and local community:

1. Coverage levels for Medicaid Expansion, and the extent of expansion in your state;
2. Types of services being covered (the managed care organizations have some flexibility here);
3. Policies shaping the development of the Health Information Exchange (HIE);
4. Ways that the state is using federal planning and early implementation funds, and how much is being done   to help community providers build capacity;
5. Information and data system requirements being made by the HIE;
6. Extent of technical assistance being provided by the state and HIE to counties and community service providers;
7. Level of cost sharing for development and implementation of systems;
8. Burden of information system development on community providers, especially small nonprofit organizations.

Make sure that your agency and providers in your field work to shape your state's policies that will determine which services are covered. Analyze what is needed by community agencies and work to have training and some of the data and information system costs covered through state and federal transition funding. Transition infrastructure development funding should be shared with the service delivery infrastructure, and not kept solely for development costs by your state and the MCOs.
Work with your state nonprofit association and provider groups. In these times, it is critical to hear the voices of state nonprofit associations, and associations of primary care, behavioral health and older adult service providers. 

Consumer voices are also extremely important. These groups can analyze state level policy, strategies, and funding and make recommendations for services, the service delivery system, policies and funding.

Anne Hays Egan is an organizational development consultant, based near Santa Fe, NM. She has helped hundreds of nonprofits and communities to build capacity and successfully navigate change. She specializes in community service planning, organizational development and managing fiscal challenges. Nonprofit and community leaders across the U.S. have commended her work. Her speaking engagements and workshops are sought after, lively and engaging events. Anne has published widely in the field.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Business Networking Event

Business networking events can be crowded, awkward, and overwhelming. Often, attendees spend time talking to everyone they can, collecting business cards, and later ending up feeling like they wasted their time. For those who are not extroverts at all, they border on painful. These events can actually be extremely beneficial, but will be ineffective if approached the wrong way. This article provides six tips about how to not only survive the event but also get something valuable out of the experience.

1.Have some direction. If you don't have a clear goal from the minute you walk in the door, you are more likely to get overwhelmed and not know what to do. So, before the event, take a little bit of time to think about what you want out of the experience so that you and go into it fully prepared and ready to work towards your goal.

2.Look and act professional. First impressions do matter. Both your attire and your demeanor should be professional. Put on a suitable outfit, bring business cards, and make sure you are well-mannered throughout the entire event. Also, there is often alcohol available at these functions. It is absolutely fine to have one or two drinks, but if you don't know your limits, you will come across as unprofessional rather than as someone with whom people would like to conduct business.

3.Be positive and enthusiastic. Displaying passion and enthusiasm is an excellent way to inspire people and win them over. It can be contagious, fostering memorable conversations. Smiling will demonstrate warmth, and people will see you as friendly and inviting. Few things turn people off more than a negative attitude, so make sure that is not how you come across. Also, as in all areas of life, you are more likely to succeed if you are genuine and be yourself.

4.Talk to the right people. Don't stick with the people you already know. It may seem tempting to avoid the risk of awkwardness by talking to people you have already met and are comfortable with; however, this does not bring any new value to attending networking events. Instead, branch out. Actively seek out influences, thought leaders or industry experts, and people who are likely to be well connected. For example, the organizer of the event probably knows a lot about those in attendance and can help you determine who to approach.

5.Listen and ask questions for better conversations. It may seem counter intuitive to avoid talking about yourself. How will people know what you have to offer? Yes, your goal is to get something out of the event, but you are unlikely to make any real connections that will prove beneficial if all you do is self-promote. Instead, listen attentively to what each person is saying and ask good questions in order to demonstrate interest. You will learn something and find yourself engaging in sincere conversations that will more likely to spark genuine connections that will become mutually beneficial.

6.Make your life easier by jotting down brief notes after each valuable interaction. If you have a conversation that sparks a connection you would like to continue to build or in which you make any promises about further contact, jot down a few notes about the interaction on their business card immediately. You will need to follow up, so doing this will make it easier to personalize that communication with details from the conversation.

By following this guidance, you are likely to truly see something positive come out of your efforts at networking events rather than getting overwhelmed or overzealous.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Good Business Can Meet And Relationship

Since Non verbal communication should always be discussed on the basis of three key elements: Culture, Context and Cluster, this article is written with the following areas in mind:

Culture: European, North American, Australasian and other areas that share similar cultural characteristics.

Context: Business meetings.

Cluster: In addition to the handshake, we are assuming that there is appropriate gaze; orientation, Proximity and posture as expected in this context.

Nowadays, in a great many cultures we use the handshake as a way of welcoming or greeting a person. This handshake comes from the old tradition of showing ones strength via the use of arm-wrestling where the winner is the person who has their hand uppermost - in other words, they literally have "the upper hand."

Please note that people usually shake hands instinctively and without prior planning or consideration of the potential psychological consequences so we have to consider other elements of the communication before reaching any conclusions about them.

Within the business context, when shaking hands there are six main ways of offering the hand and each one has implicit psychological meaning & interpretation:

1. The "normal" handshake where the hand is offered at 90º to the body and is subconsciously perceived as a handshake between equals. It is a neutral interaction where neither person presumes to be superior to the other or seeks to dominate them.

2. The spear: This is when a person offers their hand palm down towards the other person - like thrusting a spear towards them. In Spain, it is like the final thrust used to kill the bull in a bullfight. People who use this type of gesture tend to be somewhat egotistical and like to dominate others. If the other person accepts this style of handshake, it means that their palm will be face upwards and they are subconsciously accepting that the other person literally has "the upper hand" and that they are subordinate to them! The solution to this behavior is to take the hand and IMMEDIATELY turn it into the "normal" handshake position.

3. The Glove: This is where one person puts their left hand on top of the "normal" handshake thereby trapping the other person's hand. It is another way of showing who actually has "The upper hand"!

4. The double glove: This is the response to the previous item (the glove) The person who has their hand trapped places THEIR left hand on top of the other person's left hand and thereby assumes the status of the person with the upper hand!

5. Hand on bicep: Some people, especially kin esthetics, like to shake hands with their right and, at the same time, use their left hand to firmly grasp the right biceps of the person they are talking to. This action allows the kin esthetic to actual feel, and share, the physical power of the person and also indicates that they have the upper hand as it is, literally, above the hand of the other person.

6. Hand on shoulder: The final category is when one person places their left hand on the right shoulder of the other person. It may, in certain situations, be perceived as kindly or paternal however in business it may be perceived as indicating that this person literally has the upper hand.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Importance Direct Mail Letters

A story that may give you new ways to relate to your mailings recipients.

Successful direct mail is a conversation between two people - the letter signer and the mailings recipient.

The more information you have about the mailings recipient, the better the conversation you can have.

It's like going to a party and meeting someone new. You can captivate his or her attention for a few moments by talking about yourself. But if you want to hold their attention, you need to ask about their interests and direct the conversation toward them.

This is why successful copywriters study mailing lists.

Understanding the demographics, interests and history of the mailings recipients is the listening part of the direct mail conversation.

But your letter also has a voice. It's the voice of the letter signer.

The copywriter speaks for the letter signer. And by taking time to understand the "speaker's" background and experiences, the writer can provide new reasons for the reader to accept the letter signer as "one of us."

Incorporating elements of the signers life and language into the copy builds creditability and trust. Plus, it builds interest that pulls the recipient into the letter and keeps them reading. And the longer the reader holds onto your letter, the more likely they are to respond.

For an insurance offer, I learned that the letter signer had 7 children. Because people known to have children were a significant portion of our mailing lists, I dropped the traditional, more formal copy approach and wrote:    "... with 7 children of my own, I wonder what their future will be like once I'm gone. I like to think I've provided them with a good life, but... "

The copy went on to describe the policy's benefits. But early in the letter, I gave readers a reason to identify with the letter signer.

Did it work? Pretests recorded 62% more responses for this personalized copy approach.

For a membership organization of veterans, I could - and did - write about the benefits of membership. But by quickly mentioning the signers experiences at boot camp, readers - who were veterans themselves - saw they shared a common experience with the letter signer, and they responded.

Renewal rates improved by 79%.

Getting to know even the most basic facts about the letter signer can pay big dividends. It helps copywriters write a better story and adds credibility to your offer.

Typically, facts about the letter signer are easy to obtain. The best way is to ask for an interview. Otherwise, I ask for a biography. And if I can't get that, there's usually an abundance of information on the Internet.

Check the organization's website first. If the letter signer is the head of a business unit or organization, you'll usually find a brief biography. Then search for speeches, articles, interviews and commentaries.

Whatever you find, make note of any themes, phrases or personal experiences that you can use to build rapport with the reader. You'll gain authenticity in the words you write and discover new stories to relate to your readers.

So as important as list selection is to your mailing's success - and nothing is more important - take time to gather background information about your letter signer.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Strategic Marketing Plans

If you've spent any time selling in today's competitive market place, you know it can be uniquely challenging. Many markets are individually idiosyncratic and uniquely resistant. It requires special insights, strategies and training to successfully penetrate, which often adds a few twists and turns onto your road map. However, this doesn't make it impossible to navigate to your final destination.

The first thing to do is to understand your marketing objectives. Where are you going with all this effort? For the companies with strategic marketing plans and marketing budgets, "Ready, Aim, Fire" is no longer enough. There must be a concept of the greater vision - to bring real value to the marketplace. There are a couple of key tactics you can use to do this, highly effective marketing tactics that are invisible to the client in the selling process.

The formulate the best possible strategy, ask your clients why they chose you and your company. When talking to them, explain that you want to ensure that you are providing the service and products they want and need. Let them know how much you need their honest feedback during this time. As a result of this interview process, you will likely come up with a lot of new ideas for offering real value to your client.

The key to this strategy is that you are not selling; you are asking for your prospect's advice on improving your company. This is actually an excellent indirect marketing opportunity, invisible marketing.

Another invisible marketing strategy begins even before your first meeting with your prospect. It comes as a result of understanding your marketplace and the greatest pains of your clients. What keeps them up late at night? What makes them wake up in a cold sweat, urgently seeking a solution? How can you and your firm speak to the pain and provide top-level service to your prospect?

By placing yourself directly between your prospect and the solution to their greatest need, you're applying the most effective marketing strategy possible. You're offering genuine value in the marketplace.

Success happens when you have a solid strategy in mind or road map to guide you. If done right, creating a business development strategy can be simple, especially when you focus on this time tested marketing directive. The best Marketing Strategy plan for lawyers is to make your marketing invisible by interviewing them and easing your clients' greatest pains.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Three Simple Leadership

Simplifying the complex process of leadership? If so don't be ashamed because most leaders are. Whether you are taking your first steps as a leader or have been leading people for decades the leadership process is full of complexities. In this article I will show you how to simplify the leadership process using just one letter; impossible right?

There are many theories and acronyms floating around the Internet that all claim to be able to solve the riddle of leadership's complexity, and while some of them are helpful, most of them are incomplete and inconsistent.

Today I introduce you to the three P's; Professionalism, People, and Productivity. When these three areas are executed properly leadership is effective, efficient, and simplified. Think of the 3 P's as a dart board, the outer ring being Professionalism, the middle ring People, and the bull's eye being Productivity. An effective and efficient leader must be diversified in these areas, starting on the outer ring and working inwards. Leaders that just aim straight for the bull's eye will indeed accomplish their task by hitting Productivity, but they will lose their respect and employee efficiency because they have neglected the Professionalism and the People rings.

Now we will break down the three P's referencing a car.

Professionalism: This is the door to leadership, the process can be opened or lost here, and you are the key. A leader's professionalism enriches their leadership competencies; it adds instant value to their actions and decisions. Professionalism consists of preparedness, integrity, knowledge, and morals.

People: This is the engine that drives leadership, without it you will go nowhere. Establishing the correct relationship with your employees is an essential step in achieving efficiency. This is done by developing the precise approach to unlocking their potential. People consist of respect, motivation, selfless service, and personal courage.

Productivity: This is the GPS of leadership, where do you need to go? You have already opened the door and started the engine, now you need a precise route to victory. Productivity consists of directions, clarity, communication, and enforcement.

Mastering the three P's will undoubtedly optimize and simplify your leadership process. The three P's should be used a guideline or checklist just as a great leader I know used the three M's; mission, men, and me. As you lead your employees ask yourself, have I established and maintained my professionalism.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Well Dress Up Present During A Job Interview

Applicants always rely on their skills and qualifications when they go for a job interview. They just think that these are what matters most to their prospect employer so their appearance does not really bother them. Besides it depends on the position they are applying for.

Such thinking is very irrational. Personal appearance really matters to employers. Dressing up is also considered by employers in choosing their employees. Do you think the employer will hire you in a corporate setting if you wear only a shirt, jeans and sneakers during a job interview? Come to think of it, even if you have the qualifications for the vacant position, still the employer might have second thoughts of hiring you especially if you look like a goon in your attire.

Improper attire is detrimental and may lead to your rejection. Hence, aside from preparing for the job interview, you should also prepare for your outfit. Or else, most likely you will suffer the consequences. Therefore you should do your part to establish a good impression. With this, you will position yourself as the frontrunner's among the applicants.

But the question is, how will you present yourself during a job interview to nail the vacant post as far as dressing up is concerned? Well, it's not simply donning the fancy or fabulous clothing. But it is not also advisable to wear timeworn clothes. The following tips should be taken into consideration seriously for you to succeed.

1. Attire. This is basically the first thing that will be noticed by the interviewer. Even if the company has no dress code, still you should wear an appropriate outfit. Do not just wear shirt and jeans but rather a black suit which is more suitable. Make sure that it is clean, has no wrinkles all over and it was ironed. If your suit is old-fashioned, you better buy a new one that is simple yet elegant or simply borrow from a friend if you have financial constraint.

2. Shoes. Wearing dirty shoes will leave a negative impression. As much as possible, wear clean and traditional shoes so that you are comfortable with it.Your personality should radiate professionalism so wear simple yet stylish shoes because you will be working for at least 8 hours straight and your feet must be comfortable with it.

3. Hair. It is the crowning glory of a person. As such, it should be washed and styled. Women should fix their hair perhaps

ponytail for that matter while men on the other hand should trim their hair to give a professional impression.

4. Fragrance. Colognes are very prevalent and nothing wrong with using it but too much use of this can be very damaging during the interview. If you put on much cologne, there might be apprehension when you sit in front of the interviewer. That is why it is prudence on your part to be conscious of the effects of your cologne to other people so as not to irritate them.

5. Accessories. True enough, accessories can enhance your outlook. But do not try to wear many ornaments as this can be disturbing for the interviewer. Use only a simple watch and perhaps a pair of earrings instead. Simplicity is beauty indeed.

6. Makeup. It is essential especially for women to wear makeup. However they must be extra careful on how to apply it. Avoid using too much but rather apply only a minimum amount enough for your beauty to be emphasized.

If you will simply follow the tips above, you will be on the right track of pulling it off in the interview. As you can see, it is very important for you to have proper attire as this is one of the factors being considered. Of course, this is not the main point but this will certainly work out.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Ask Yourself Question For New job Interview

Try for interview and you get the job offer, but you are not sure whether you will accept the offer. Do you have cold feet and buyer's remorse or is this job not really the best move for you at this time?
Here are some questions to ask yourself to determine whether to accept the offer or to stay at your same job.
1. Have I learned everything I can at my current job?

You need to look at the pros and cons of your current job. There must be a reason you started looking at other positions. If you truly have nothing more to learn and the job is boring and repetitive, then this may be a good time to leave.

2. What are the real opportunities at the new job other than money?

Look at what your new job provides beyond salary. Will there be better mentors, cutting-edge technology, or better working conditions? If the answer is yes, then it may be a good time to seek those opportunities. 

3. Does this job fit in with your long-term goals?

The job may sound very exciting and fun, but does it fit in with your long-term goals? If it doesn't, perhaps your goals have changed. The point is that you have to look at a total career for every job move. If the job adds new skills and experience, it may be a good fit for the long haul?

4. Is this a once-in-a-lifetime job that you will regret if you don't take it now?

The conventional wisdom is that "opportunity only knocks once" and that "opportunity often comes at an inopportune time." Only can you make that decision. If you have been looking at jobs for a long time, you should know how often a job like this comes onto the market.

5. Can I afford a lower salary? Do I need a second job?

If the employer has offered you a lower salary than your present position, can you afford to take the position, even if it is your "dream job?"
Be realistic about hos much salary you will need to live comfortably. What is the cost of living in the new area? If it is lower, that will help your expenses. If it is higher, you may need to consider a second job. If you take a second job, does that diminish the positive aspects of your "dream job?" Will you have the energy and stamina for the new job if you are worried about day-to-day living expenses?

Before making your final decision as to whether to accept the position, you may want to ask when your first performance evaluation will be and whether you would be eligible for an increase at that time.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Global Network And Manufacturing Businesses

Around thirty five years ago China's transformation towards being the world's supermarket began. Back then as today it was possible to command almost any price but finding the right factory with the right quality procedures and adequate testing facilities was and is a whole different ball game.

As the world has become ever more globalized so margins have become ever more squeezed and product prices ever more elastic. The rush to take advantage of world prices offered by China, India (and more recently the BRIC countries) is something akin to the California gold rush.

In 2013 100s, if not thousands, of businesses have taken the leap and moved all or most of their manufacturing overseas. Up and down the country purchasing managers and buyers are slapping each other on the back at the cost savings they have gained, or at least think they have gained.
Take a walk down the hall to quality or supply and the story may not be so rosy. One may even witness the air turn blue as the quality guy inspects yet another reject, trusted spectrometer in hand. All was well at sample stage so what went wrong. Well self regulation never did and never will work. Quality teams, on the ground in the manufacturing country, carrying out regular in process inspections, is essential to ensuring quality is consistent.

Setting up an office in the host country is one option but the cost and timescales for doing so will be prohibitive to anything but log term cost savings. In the short to medium term increased costs and reduced margins are the more likely outcome.

However a network of highly vetted factories, regularly inspected by qualified engineers, can be the answer. Sourcing high quality products at world prices is the modern day global challenge.

The challenge is not just a global one but also an internal one that can very easily lid to organizational conflict, if not handled correctly. In many companies purchasing, accounts and logistics work in splendid isolation. All working according to their own KPI's with no over reaching solution for tracking project costs.The result is the supply chain becomes fragmented.
What is needed is someone with an eye on everything and a foot in every camp. Often this challenging role is left to the hapless product manager, who cuts his own throat no matter what decision he makes and so makes non. The product manager becomes a professional politician of such cunning as to put Downing Street to shame. So the solution becomes to outsource everything to a third party.

Maxim Industries Ltd use an established network of factories around the world to source products, components and sub assemblies for manufacturing businesses across Europe and the USA. With ISO accredited quality procedures in place.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Data Capture Accuracy Used Effectively

A brief introduction for those who don't know what it is, data capture is a method of extracting information from forms and surveys that have been filled out by people either by hand or digitally. So if someone has filled in a survey or form, they can be scanned and captured and the extracted information used for its original purpose, for research, and using an actual data capture service can save a considerable amount of time doing the work by hand.

That's the basic gist of what data capture is whether for forms, surveys or other documents that need their data interacting and although there has been a standard use for data capture since it was picked up as a useful and popular service but it is also being used for many other reasons in 2013.

Along with general marketing and research techniques, the data capture of forms has had to change and adapt to changing attitudes throughout the world. In 2012 and into 2013 more and more business cards are being captured and their details including phone numbers, email addresses and other important are captured and put into databases so they can be used effectively in the future for a mixture of mailing lists and email marketing. 

However there's another side of business card capture where a lot of restaurants and entertainment establishments are offering a raffle for those who leave their business cards behind in a jar so that the eventual winner wins a prize and they can use all data from business card for marketing purposes. You may think it's a difficult and expensive process to capture business card data due to their different layouts and order, but it's a lot simpler than it seems especially using automated or automatic data capture.

Form data capture has also now been picked up by health organizations such as the NHS in order to survey patients and staff on their opinions on their service. As one of the most scrutinized and monitored service providers in the UK, they need to stay on the top of their game as all times and this is one way of checking up on the satisfaction of their users. However they receive thousands of these feedback forms at any given moment so can't all be input manually so they outsource in order to gather this information into easily manageable data and presentations so they can browse through the data with ease and get down to the bottom of any problems or see where they are exceeding expectations.

As such, data capture has become a service that extends beyond market research companies and marketing firms, but is now an essential tool in order to gain an insight into issues as well as for general feedback. As the businesses across the world are subject to more scrutiny and higher expectations, it's almost become a requirement to be the best you possibly can be and even more besides. Going the extra mile.

People as a whole are still more likely to fill out a paper-based form than one sent to them online or if they're given a link to go to. So whilst some things change over time such as the use of this particular service.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Hire The Services of an Electrician

Hire the service of an electrician. Safety it is rarely a good idea to attempt even the most basic electrical projects in the home. A slight mistake when attempting to complete a political project has the potential to blow the fuses in the home, electrocute someone, or cause a fire in the home. If difficulties in our experience with the electrics it is certain to be more beneficial to call on the services of the skilled and qualified electrician.
Here are some of the top reasons for hiring a licensed electrician:
Safety: A significant issue with working with electricity is that it is very dangerous and unpredictable. If the electrical appliances in the home aren't managed in the correct way, there is a potential for major accidents and serious damage. A skilled electrician is able to work to a high standard so that all hazards are kept to a minimum. Safe practices for working with electricity are always followed. An electrician is fully equipped with the right knowledge and tools to offer a high-quality service and is able to guarantee the safety of anyone in the home.                                                                                                                                                      Knowledge: Many of the lighting, electrical, and wiring upgrades are likely to be quite complicated and generally need the knowledge of the trained electrician. In many cases it is necessary that an electrical installation is carried out to such a high standard that it is able to pass the regulatory building regulations. Since a typical house owner isn't likely to be aware of these requirements it is certain to be quite difficult to know whether the work has been completed in line with this codes of practice. An electrician is able to give advice and guidance on what products or wiring might be most suited to your particular type and age of property.

Fast service: A qualified electrician will be able to take on the responsibility of repairing any faults and completes the work in a timely fashion. They are aware of the common issues that could cause problems with the wiring in the home, and will be able to take the necessary action to identify the problems using the right tools and equipment. A fault with the wiring can be quite difficult to detect for the complete novice, so you might want to rely on the electrical professionals who are able to complete a job more quickly and often at a very reasonable cost. High Qualified professional electrician suitable in your project.

Friday, July 12, 2013

Employee Referral Program For Modern Times

An employee referral program is one of the best things for you and for your employees. It allows you to get qualified resumes for open positions and it allows your employees to receive a bonus each time they send a referral your way that you ultimately hire. Before you build any referral program, make sure it is built for modern times.

According to the New York Times, more businesses are relying on internal referrals when it comes to hiring. Especially when it comes to key positions, employers would rather hire someone based upon a current employee's recommendation than going with a gut instinct on a stranger. 

Those who enter a business through a referral are more likely to get preferential hiring treatment, too. When companies get thousands of resumes for an open position and then one comes from a quality employee, that resume is usually placed directly on top and holds a little more weight.
This is why employees are willing to refer friends - they know their friends stand a good chance of being hired - which give them the incentive that you are offering.

So how do you notify employees that you need referrals? You cannot make it too complicated. While everyone wants the referral bonus that you are offering, no one wants to work too hard to get it. If you use modern technology in conjunction with your employee referral program, it will save you a considerable amount of money and save your employees time.

There are many ways to modernize your employee referral program. The first is to stop relying on a handwritten line on an application for "referred by" because it's nearly impossible to track. Instead, rely on a software program that will do all of the tracking for you. By doing this, you can even update employees as to where their referrals are in the system, being able to tell them whether they qualify for the referral bonus and when they can expect to see it.
Additionally, keep in mind that many of your employees are on social media. They may have hundreds of connections - and many of these connections may be within the same industry as your employee. This means that you want to be able to tap into the connections of your employees. How can you do this? Enable social media platforms within your referral program. This will allow employees to "post" job openings on their Facebook. When that link is followed, it gives credit where it's due.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

How to Choose Printing On Binders And Print

How you can print on binders? printing on binders has the capacity of adding professionalism to a school project or business presentation. Printing directly on a binder is possible with special machines which some companies can only afford. However, there are templates that can be downloaded online for insertion into a binder and these inserts will go into the sleeves along the spine and on its front and back.

You should buy a binder and take note of the spine size which can be one, two or three inches. You should ensure that it has clear plastic along the spine as well as the rest of the cover. Spine inserts can be purchased or printed on regular paper and cut to fit.

You can find templates that can be easily downloaded online. Thereafter, you should go ahead to pick the template of your choice as there are different templates with various sizes and styles of cover inserts as well as spine inserts. It is important to read the details of each template before downloading anyone of them. As soon as you start the downloading process, a message will appear that will ask whether you want to open or save the file. You should choose save and the file will be downloaded to your computer and properly saved there.

Open the file that you have saved on your computer and if you will like to customize the template by adding texts or images to it, you should not hesitate to do so. Send the file to the printer in order to get the hard copy of the binder insert out. The insert should be appropriately cut and placed under the clear plastic of your binder.

It is very important to make use of original binders so that the insert will fit in appropriately. You can get great deals online where you can purchase at wholesale prices without going through any middleman. You only need to conduct some simple searches and you will discover vendors that are ready to sell at take-away prices.

Getting quality and cheap product online is not a child's play but if you are able to discover a reliable vendor, you are in for a great deal. There are many online resources that can be used to determine a reliable vendor like forum and review sites, testimonials of past customers as well as the antecedents of the vendor in the business. Putting all these together will assist you in getting a good binder that you can print on and save.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Calendar Printing Project

The most obvious fact to pay attention to is that every calendar is a time-sensitive product with a built-in distribution deadline. For a standard 2014 calendar, if your calendar is not in the end user's hands before January 1, 2014, they may already have found an alternative. For a non-standard calendar that deadline may be sooner (eg., a school-year calendar needs to be in the user's hands close to the start of school if it is going to be useful to them). Working backwards from this absolute deadline can give you a good timeline for the entire project.

Calendar printing can be broken down into four activities: planning, production, marketing, and distribution. Since we are working backwards, we'll start with distribution.

Distributing your Printed Calendars

How are you getting your calendars into the end user's hands? Are you giving them away? If so, then it should be relatively straight-forward to figure out the distribution logistics and determine by what date you will need to have calendars in hand. Or maybe you are mailing them out to your customers or members; in that case you just need to make sure you allow enough time for inserting into envelopes, adding a cover letter, addressing and mailing. Or consider having the printer or a local mail house handle mailing the calendars - it will probably be cheaper and easier for you. Just make sure you find out from the printer or mail house how much extra time they will need and factor it in.

If, on the other hand, you plan to print a calendar and sell it, either as a nonprofit fundraiser or as a profit-making venture, then distribution is a little more complicated. How much time you need for sales depends on your sales strategy. Are you selling at a local festival or other event? If so, then that gives you a deadline, but keep in mind that you'll be better off if you can sell at multiple events, in case attendance or sales at one event are not what you expect. Or maybe you are having volunteers sell calendars to friends and family or door-to-door. If so, you should allow at least two weeks, and preferably up to four weeks, since volunteers all have their own different schedules, and some will need reminders and encouragement.

Calendars make great Christmas gifts. If that is part of your sales plan, then remember that if you make your calendar available the week before Christmas, many people will already have finished much of their Christmas shopping. If you can start selling right after Thanksgiving, however, then you can catch the early shoppers as well as the last-minute gift-buyers. Of course giving yourself even more sales time is always a good idea. Many of our most successful fundraisers begin selling the calendars as early as September.

Are you selling calendars online? (We can help with that!) If so, then you will need to allow for shipping time. That means that for Christmas gifts, you will want to have most of your calendars sold by about December 15th, otherwise your buyers will have to pay for expedited shipping. You need to allow enough time for people to find your calendar online, so you would probably want to have your calendar available for sale online by about mid-November.

Or maybe your are selling calendars in retail locations. If so, talk to your retailers early. You will probably find out that they prefer to have their Christmas merchandise in hand by the 1st of September or even sooner. That way they can keep shelves full as they remove Summer items. Chain retailers such as the major booksellers may want calendars in hand as soon as July, so that they can warehouse them and distribute them to their own locations. Also, check with retailers about packaging and labeling requirements - they may need your calendars to be shrink-wrapped and to include ISBN bar codes.

 Marketing Your Calendar

If you print a calendar that you plan to sell, you should be sure to develop and implement a solid marketing plan. Marketing does not have to add to the overall duration of the calendar project - you can and should begin marketing during the planning and production stages of the project. However, if you wait to start marketing until you have the calendars in hand, then you will need to allow at least a few extra weeks, maybe more, for your marketing message to reach the intended audience and motivate them to buy.

Calendar Print Production

The production phase of a calendar printing project starts when you hand off all of the images, text, logos, advertising, etc. to the printer, and the printer turns it into calendar artwork for you to approve and then puts it on the press and delivers to you the finished product. Make sure you talk to your printer early on to fins out how long this takes. In our case at Year box, it is usually about three weeks (sometimes sooner if you have a particular deadline). If you anticipate last-minute changes or additions, or if you will be proofing by committee, then you should probably allow a little extra time - maybe a month in total - for production.

The Calendar Planning Stage

The calendar printing planning stage includes everything that comes before the hand off to the printer. Some planning items will take time. First and foremost, assemble a team. The more people who invest their time in your calendar the more successful it will be. You will need to gather artwork. If you have photos already and you just need to sort through them, that's great. If you need to solicit photos or hold a photo or art contest (we can help with that!), then you will need to allow extra time for that. A contest may need time to run as well as time to market so that you have adequate participation. You also need to gather everything else that goes in the calendar, possibly including date information, captions, logos, mission statement, letter from the director/president/minister, etc.

Will your calendar include advertising? If so, then you will need to make sure that someone (or better yet a team) contacts businesses to sell them advertising space and collects advertising artwork from them. Sometimes advertising artwork is as simple as a business card, but other times it can take longer than expected to collect all the advertising artwork. Make sure you allow plenty of time for this.

So, how soon should you start working on it if you need to print a calendar that is customized to your specifications? That all depends. If you have everything ready for your printer and distribution will be a simple hand-out, then three to four weeks lead time may be sufficient. If, however, you have to assemble a team, collect photos and text, sell advertising, plan a marketing campaign, organize sales teams, and/or place calendars in retail stores, then you'll need to work backwards and figure out how much time you really need.