Most of the tips we give out are consumer-based, so we thought it might make a nice change to offer some advice to the salons and freelancers out there - how to use your retail products to boost sales.
Retail sales make up a big part of your business. They can account for up to 50% of your net profit, meaning if you're not making the most of the opportunities presented by product sales, you're really missing a trick!
Put in a real focus on creative and knowledgeable selling and it will go down well with your customers and increase your salon's profit. Spending a little time maximizing the sales experience really will pay dividends.
Use Your Products
Always use the products you have in store, or are selling, on your clients during their treatment and tell them why you are using them and the benefits they offer. This is the perfect soft-sell opportunity. Using your salon's products on yourself also shows you believe in them. You can show customers the benefits of using the products over a longer length of time - free advertising never hurts. Also, ensure you and your team are trained and knowledgeable in the products you offer; the advice you offer should be tailored to suit each customer's needs.
Offers, Discounts, and Promotions
Offer exclusive products or items. This can be something small, but it will be something that sets your salon apart from others. You might also introduce link selling to increase your retail sales. This is done by linking items that can be used or worn together i.e. a body cream and a body exfoliate. Sell more than you originally aim for.
Let Clients Know About the Products
Use all your tools to educate your clients on the uses and benefits of your products and motivate them to purchase. Window and product displays, point of sale material, beautifully branded packaging and highly trained staff can all harmonies to embed retail opportunities into the professional salon experience!
This advice is contextual and cannot be promised to work, having said that, however, there can be said that if you do follow this advice (or similar advice, but boo on you!), you should start to see some positive results, These are, after all, just a few ideas we've had people tell us and hopefully will be able to help you on your way.
Retail sales make up a big part of your business. They can account for up to 50% of your net profit, meaning if you're not making the most of the opportunities presented by product sales, you're really missing a trick!
Put in a real focus on creative and knowledgeable selling and it will go down well with your customers and increase your salon's profit. Spending a little time maximizing the sales experience really will pay dividends.

Always use the products you have in store, or are selling, on your clients during their treatment and tell them why you are using them and the benefits they offer. This is the perfect soft-sell opportunity. Using your salon's products on yourself also shows you believe in them. You can show customers the benefits of using the products over a longer length of time - free advertising never hurts. Also, ensure you and your team are trained and knowledgeable in the products you offer; the advice you offer should be tailored to suit each customer's needs.
Offers, Discounts, and Promotions
Offer exclusive products or items. This can be something small, but it will be something that sets your salon apart from others. You might also introduce link selling to increase your retail sales. This is done by linking items that can be used or worn together i.e. a body cream and a body exfoliate. Sell more than you originally aim for.
Let Clients Know About the Products
Use all your tools to educate your clients on the uses and benefits of your products and motivate them to purchase. Window and product displays, point of sale material, beautifully branded packaging and highly trained staff can all harmonies to embed retail opportunities into the professional salon experience!
This advice is contextual and cannot be promised to work, having said that, however, there can be said that if you do follow this advice (or similar advice, but boo on you!), you should start to see some positive results, These are, after all, just a few ideas we've had people tell us and hopefully will be able to help you on your way.